School Brown Bear
Materials Needed:
Photos of each person the children will come in contact with at school,
construction paper, and binder or rings.
Make a book based on the Brown Bear, Brown Bear book. Fill the book with the
names and a photo of each person the children will come in contact with
their school day. For example: "Children, children, Who do you see? We
Ms. Kim (the director) looking at us." Include yourself in the pages.
You can also make a book using the names of the children in the class.
My Teacher's My
Once everyone has arrived, we go
to the story floor. I always start our
first story time by reading P.K. Hallinan's wonderful rhyming story
"My Teacher's My Friend." It's short, has a lot of rhythm and rhyme, and
it leads
into a natural discussion about school and this new person in the
childrens' lives.
My Teacher's My
Friend II
Hallinan is one of my favorite
children's author/illustrators, and he's
the subject of our first author study, which we call Star Author.
We'll read many of his books throughout the year, and we focus
on his books about friends at the beginning of school. After
we read the story, I tell the children about me and my family,
and let them ask questions. And then we take some time to let
each of the children introduce themselves and share
something they'd like us to know. To finish, I read the story again,
encouraging the children to help me with the rhyming words.
We'll revisit this book many times the first week of school,
as we talk about school and friends.
My Summer Vacation
After reading
"How I Spent My Summer Vacation" by Mark
the class can write about their vacation, real or imaginary to share
with the
class. It is a nice idea to do this on cut out suitcases.
You can have
the kids use blank stickers to draw
luggage stickers people get when
they travel.

~ Suggested Literature ~