different facts about leaves....
A leaf is a part
of a plant.
Leaves are found on flowers, trees, bushes, and other types of
Veins in leaves carry water within the leaf.
The leaf stalk holds the leaf toward the light.
Leaves carry food to plants.
Water travels from the tree roots up to the leaves through tiny
tubes in the trunk.
Collect a variety of leaves and bring them into
the classroom.
Make leaf patterns for each child. Place the collected leaves
on a low table
for the children to examine. The children can observe whether the leaves
feel rough
or smooth, whether or not the leaves have a smell, whether the veins are
and if there are stalks on the leaves. Acknowledge all answers as
Have children color the different shaped leaves on the patterns.
The Magic Formula
Explain to the
children that some leaves change color in the fall, and ask if any
of the
children has ever seen red, orange, or yellow leaves. Discuss
the fact that only certain
trees have leaves that change color and drop. These are called
"deciduous" trees. Have
the children slowly repeat the word deciduous. Teach children
the formula
that turns leaves different colors:
Chlorophyll makes
green leaves bright.
They stay that way from warm sunlight.
But in the fall there is less sun.
The leaves turn color, one by one.
They change to red, then gold, then brown,
Then they fall down onto the ground.
But in the spring, just wait and see,
All new green leaves will fill the tree.
Introduce Hibernation
Primarily with bears
and squirrels.
What happens when a leaf loses chlorophyll?
Collect green leaves
and place them on a tray to dry.... over time
they turn brown without chlorophyll the leaf loses his green
Fall Harvest Sensory Tub

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Place several items
that are harvested in the Fall into a large tub.
Place the tub in your science area for the children to explore the
different Fall items.