Dental Hygiene Children's
Songs, Poems, & Fingerplays
Brushing Song
(Sung to the tune of: "B-I-N-G-O")
In my mouth I have some teeth,
And in my mouth I put my brush,
With a brush, brush here
and a brush, brush there
Here a brush
There a brush
Everywhere a brush, brush
In my mouth I'll keep my teeth!
Visiting Your Dentist
(Sung to the tune of: "The Battle Hymn of
the Republic")
Visiting the dentist is an easy thing to do
The dentist is a special friend who
helps take care of you
He checks your teeth and gums
to be sure everything's just right,
So your smile will be bright!
Brush and floss your teeth each day!
Brush and floss your teeth each day!
Brush and floss your teeth each day!
So your smile will be bright!
I Had a Loose Tooth
I had a loose tooth,
a wiggly, jiggly loose tooth.
I had a loose tooth,
hanging by a thread.
So I pulled my loose tooth,
this wiggly, jiggly loose tooth.
And put it 'neath the pillow
when I went up to bed.
The fairies took my loose tooth,
my wiggly, jiggly loose tooth.
So now I have a nickel
and a hole in my head.
Brush Your Teeth
(Sung to the tune of: "Jingle Bells")
Brush your teeth,
Brush your teeth,
Give your teeth a treat.
Brush up and down and all around,
To keep them clean and neat!
Brush them once,
Brush them twice,
Brush three times a day.
Brush up and down and all around,
Keep cavities away!
Brush Your Teeth
(Sung to the tune of: "This Old Man")
Brush your teeth...
Every day
To help prevent tooth decay
Brush your teeth to make your smile
so nice and white
Brush them morning, noon, and night.
Swish the Fluoride
(Sung to the tune of: "Are You Sleeping?")
Swish with fluoride, swish with fluoride
Round and round, round and round.
Fluoride makes your teeth strong.
Fluoride makes your teeth strong.
All year long. All year long.
My Wobbly Tooth
Once I had a wobbly tooth
That wobbled to and fro,
Every time I
ate my toast
I thought the tooth would go.
But then I ate a candy,
A sticky toffee roll,
Now where my wobbly
tooth was
There's nothing but a hole!
My Toothbrush
I have a little toothbrush.
I hold it very tight.
I brush my teeth each morning,
and then again at night.
I go brush, brush, brush
And rinse, rinse, rinse,
And then when
they're all clean
I will blow you a kiss.
(Sung to the tune of: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Here's my toothpaste
Here's my brush
I won't hurry, I won't rush.
Working hard to keep teeth clean
Front and back and in between
When I brush for quite a while
I will have a happy smile.
Tooth Fairy & My Tooth
I have a little space in the middle of my face
And in that space,
there used
to be a tooth.
It was little, it was white, and it just fell out one night.
And a fairy came and took it - that's the truth!
The fairy left me money when she took my tooth away-
Took it from the pillow it was under.
What do fairies want with teeth they get from underneath
My pillow
as I'm
That, I wonder!
Brushing My Teeth
Up and down and round and round
I brush my teeth to keep them
To keep
them sound and clean and white
I brush them morning, noon and
Brush & Chew
Out with the baby teeth
In with the new
Brush every day
Ten Little Teeth
Ten little teeth in a smile so bright.
One got a cavity and then there were nine.
Nine little teeth all looking great.
One got a cavity and then there were eight.
Eight little teeth all straight and even.
One got a cavity and then there were seven.
Seven little teeth all clean and slick.
One got a cavity and then there were six.
Six little teeth all side by side.
One got a cavity and then there were five.
Five little teeth nibble on an apple core.
One got a cavity and then there were four.
Four little teeth, happy as can be.
One got a cavity and then there were three.
Three little teeth looking right at you.
One got a cavity and then there were two.
Two little teeth think brushing's fun.
One got a cavity and then there was one.
One little tooth left all alone.
It got a cavity and then there were none.
Brushing Fun
Brush up like a rocket.
Brush down like a plane.
Brush round and round
like a choo-choo train.
My Wobbly Tooth
I bit my apple
And what do you think?
My wobbly tooth
Came out in a wink.
If I put it under my pillow tonight,
Will the tooth fairy come
When I turn
out the light?
Lost Tooth
Oh, I lost a tooth,
Whatever shall I do?
I'm left with a window and my tongue is sticking through.
I laugh and I giggle each time I look at you!
Oh, I lost a tooth
Whatever shall I do?
I have tools that help to make
Those cavity creeps take a break.
So come to see me twice a year,
Just walk right in-there's nothing to fear.
I'll check your teeth and make them shine,
And your teeth will stay happy, healthy, and fine.
A Toothbrush
(Sung to the tune of: "Yankee Doodle")
Of all things around the town,
A toothbrush is a dandy,
brush up and down and all around,
and stay away from candy!
My Tooth
My tooth fell out and left a space
So big my tongue can touch my face,
And every time I smile I show
The place where something used to grow.
I miss my tooth as you can guess
But now I have to brush one less!
I will put my tooth in a pouch
And on the pillow lay to sleep
In the morning I will peep
And find a gift for me to keep.
Charlie is a Happy Tooth
(Sung to the tune of: "London Bridge")
Charlie is a happy tooth, happy tooth, happy tooth.
Charlie is a happy tooth.
He wants to stay that way!
Keep your teeth healthy too, healthy too, healthy too
Keep your teeth healthy too.
Just like Charlie Tooth!"
I've Been Brushing
With My Toothbrush
(Sung to: "I've Been Working On the Railroad")
I've Been brushing with my toothbrush,
Brushing everyday.
I've been Brushing with my toothbrush,
It's how I fight decay.
All my teeth are gonna sparkle,
How proud I will be.
Every time I want to smile, my
Teeth will Shine for me!
Always brush your teeth,
Every Single day.
Keep those cavities away!
Use your brush and paste,
Just the way you should,
Keep your smile a looking good!
Are Your Teeth
Clean and White?
(Sung to "Do
Your Ears Hang Low?" )
Are your teeth
clean and white?
Do you brush them every night?
Do you brush them in the morning?
Do you brush them at night?
Do you brush them side to side?
Are your teeth clean and white?
Do you floss
them good.
To remove the bits of food?
Do you floss them every day?
Like you know you should?
Do you take good care of
The teeth that are there?
Do you floss them good?
Got My Toothpaste
(Sung to the tune of: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Got my toothpaste, got my brush,
I won't hurry, I won't rush.
Making sure my teeth are clean,
Front and back and in between.
When I brush for quite a while,
I will have a happy smile!
My Toothbrush
I have a little toothbrush.
I hold it very tight.
I brush my teeth each morning,
and then again at night.
I go brush, brush, brush
And rinse, rinse, rinse,
And then when they're all clean
I will blow you a kiss.
Brush, Brush,
Brush Your Teeth
(Sung to the tune of: "Row,
Row, Row Your Boat")
Brush, brush, brush your teeth
At least 2 times a day!
Scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing
Whisking plaque away!
Dr. Danny
(Sung to the tune of: "Are you sleeping?")
Dr. Danny
Always tells me,
Brush your teeth
Brush your teeth.
Brush them in the morning
And again at bedtime.
Brush your teeth
Brush your teeth.
My Mithing Tooth
I'm having trouble thpeaking,
Thinthe I lotht my middle tooth.
Jutht yethterday my tooth wath fine --
Today it wiggled loothe.
At firtht I thought it thilly,
When my tooth fell out today,
But no one theems to underthtand
A thingle word I thay.
I athked my mom to clothe the door,
She thaid "That would be rude.
The door does not like wearing clothes;
It's happy in the nude."
I told her that I thought I thaw
A mouthe inthide our plathe.
She thaid "the only mouth I see
Is right there on your face."
I wonder if you underthtand
The thircumthtanthe I'm in.
I told her I wath feeling thick.
She thaid "You're looking thin."
At latht she thaw how mad I wath,
And thought I might thtop breathing.
She laughed and thaid she didn't mean it --
She wath only teething.
by Kenn Nesbitt
Brush Your Teeth
Brush your teeth every day.
This what I always say.
Eat healthy foods, not too sweet-
Save them for a special treat.
Your Teeth Are Important
Your teeth are important - they help you to chew,
They help you to
smile and
say, "How do you do?"
Be sure to take care of them morning and night
By brushing and
you'll keep your teeth bright.
Wiggly Tooth
Once I had a little tooth
That wobbled every day;
When I ate and when I talked
It wiggled every way.
Then I had some candy-
A sticky taffy roll;
Now where my wiggly tooth was-
Is nothing but a hole!
A tooth fell out and left a space,
So big my tongue can touch my face.
And every time I smile I show
A space where something used to grow.
I miss my tooth as you can guess.
But then, I love to brush one less!
I jiggled it, jaggled it, jerked it,
I pushed and pulled and poked it,
But as soon as I stopped,
And left it alone
My tooth came out
On its very own
The Toothbrush Song
(Sung to the tune of: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
Brush, brush, brush your teeth
Brush them everyday.
We put toothpaste on our brush
To help stop tooth decay.
Floss, floss, floss your teeth.
Floss them every day!
Using the string to clean between
Keeps the plaque away!
Clean, clean, clean your teeth.
Clean them every day!
Your teeth will sparkle for years to come
In the most beautiful
Brush, brush, brush your teeth.
Brush them every day!
Happy, healthy teeth you'll have
If it's done this way.
Little Johnny's
Little Johnny had a toothbrush
Left it hanging on
the wall
it hung there and hung there
For he used it not at all
Til one day at the table
He began to scream and cry
Mother dear I
have a
Mother dear, I think I'll die
So she took him to the dentist
But the dentist shook his head
"It's too late
for Little Johnny"
"He should have brushed his teeth."
(Sung to the tune of: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Here's my toothpaste
Here's my brush
I won't hurry, I won't rush.
Working hard to keep teeth clean
Front and back and in between
When I brush
for quite a while
I will have a happy smile.
Toothbrush Song
Brush your teeth (chchch,
Brush your teeth (chchch, chchchchchhh)
When you wake up in the morning it's a quarter to one,
and you
want to have a
little fun.... you
Brush your teeth (chchchch, chchchchchch)
your teeth
(chchchch, chchchchchhh)
When you wake up in the morning it's a quarter to two,
and you're
around for something to
Brush your teeth (chchch,
Brush your teeth (chchch, chchchchchhh)
When you wake up in the morning it's a quarter to three,
and your
mind is
humming twiddle dee
Brush your teeth (chchch,
your teeth (chchch, chchchchchhh)
When you wake up in the morning it's a quarter to four,
and you
think you
hear a knock at your
Brush your teeth (chchch,
Brush your teeth (chchch, chchchchchhh)
When you wake up in the morning it's a quarter to five,
and you
just can't
wait to come alive
Brush your teeth (chchch, chchchchchhh)
your teeth (chchch, chchchchchhh)
Brush your teeth (chchch,
Brush your teeth (chchch, chchchchchhh)
(getting progressively
brush your teeth comes out in a whisper)
My Teeth
Can you see my teeth?
I use them to chew.
I chew things like carrots
so my teeth stay like new.
Can you see my teeth?
I use them to bite.
I bite things like apples
so my teeth will stay white.
Can you see my teeth?
I use them to speak.
I say "t" and "f"
every day of the week.
Can you see my teeth?
I use them to smile.
I brush until my grin is as wide as a mile!
Although He Didn't
Like the Taste
Although he didn't like the taste,
George brushed his teeth with
pickle paste.
Not ever was his mouth so clean,
Not ever were his teeth so green.
Tooth Truth
I have a little space in the middle of my face.
And in that space, there used to be a tooth.
It was little, it was white, and it just fell out one night,
And a fairy came and took it - that's the truth!
The fairy left me money when she took my tooth away-
Took it from the pillow it was under.
What do fairies want with teeth
that they get from underneath
My pillow as I'm sleeping? That, I wonder.
by Helen H. Moore
This Is the Way We Brush Our Teeth
(Sung to the tune of : "Mulberry Bush"
the students
sing "This is the Way We Brush our Teeth" and act it out.
This is the way we brush our teeth, brush our teeth, brush our
This is the way we brush our teeth, so early in the morning.
...floss our teeth, swish the water, etc
If You Brushed Your Teeth This
(Sung to the tune of: "If
You're Happy & You Know It")
If you
brushed your teeth this morning,
Smile really big.
If you brushed
teeth this morning,
Smile really big.
If you brushed your teeth
then your smile will really show it.
If you brushed your
teeth this
Smile really big.
Are Your Teeth Clean and White
(Sung to the tune of: "Do Your Ears Hang Low!")
Are your teeth clean and white?
Do you brush them every night?
Do you brush them in the morning?
Do you brush them right?
Do you brush them side-to-side?
Are your teeth clean and white?
Do you floss them good
To remove the bits of food?
Do you floss them every day?
Like you know you should?
Do you take good care of
The teeth that are there?
Do you floss them good?
Brushy, Brushy
(Sung to the tune of: "The Hokey-Pokey")
Tape-record your class singing the following tune. While
you play
the tape,
assist your children in forming a circle and choosing
motions that
correspond to each line
of the song. When you come to the chorus
each time,
do the usual "Hokey-Pokey" moves.
You put your toothpaste on.
Watch it squeeze right out.
Put your toothpaste on,
And squish it all about.
You do the Brushy, Brushy,
And you move it all around.
That's what it's all about.
Brushy, Brushy!
You put your toothbrush in.
Don't take your toothbrush out.
You put your toothbrush in,
And you scrub it all about.
You do the Brushy, Brushy,
And you move it all around.
That's what it's all about.
Brushy, Brushy!
Now put some water in.
Don't let the water out.
Now put some water in,
And swish it all about.
You do the Brushy, Brushy,
And you move it all around.
That's what it's all about.
Brushy, Brushy!
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!