Sea Shells
Show children pictures of different types
of sea
shells and discuss the differences in each.
Learning About Shells
Set out books that
contain pictures of common shells. Help your children
use them to try identifying some of their own shells or shells that you
have on display. Explain that animals once lived the shells and talk
about those that are familiar. For a creative extension, ask the children
to imagine
that they are small water animals. What kind of shells would they like to
live in? Why?
Play dough Exploration
Place a small ball
of play dough in a baggie with various shaped shells
(sea stars & sea horses are especially exciting!) for each child. Allow
exploration of imprinting their shells onto the play dough to take place.
Lots of vocabulary words can be built on during the activity,
as well as spatial relations explored.
Beach Experiences
the children tell about experiences with the beach and finding sea shells.
Beach Ball Starts With B
Use a few
extra moments during beach ball day to reinforce the sound of the letter
Just bounce an inflated beach ball to one of your children and say the
rhyme below.
When he/she responds with a B word, he/she bounces the ball back
to you and you can bounce into letter practice with another child.
ball, beach ball starts with B.
Can you say another B word for me?