Farm Fine Motor Ideas
Oats & Hay

Put oats or hay in
sensory table. Use plastic horses as props.
In the photo above, I poured 8 containers of dry oatmeal into the
sensory table.
I place cups, spoons, bowls, and such for the children to
explore with.
After a week of the dry oatmeal, we decided to add water to it for
a whole new texture.
(see photo below)

(Photos submitted by Shell)
Build a Barn
Build a barn from
blocks. Provide stuffed/plastic farm animals for your children to
incorporate as they play. They can build pens, stalls, fences, or other
farm structures.
Crows in the Corn
Pour popcorn kernels in a tub with black beans.
Children transfer the crows (black beans) out of the corn with
Farm Life Sensory Tub
Place the following items in your sensory
tub/table... straw, plastic farm animals,
popcorn kernels, chenille chicks, plastic eggs, toy tractors, corn husks,
Place a farm
related sensory filler such as: Easter grass, corn kernels, oats,
cotton balls, plastic eggs,
etc. Then hide farm related items for the children to find:
farm animals, farm tools, farm products, etc.
Sensory Tub Sort
Add small plastic animals and
green Easter grass in a sensory tub.
You could then have a sorting tray (vegetable tray) and have the
children sort the animals
by color or animal, large or small, or animals with tails and animals
without tails.
Milk the Cow using a broom
& glove
I take a broom and
tie a plastic glove filled with milk and poke tiny holes using a
Place the broom between two chairs and the kids can milk the cow.
I also make a cow to place over the broom so that you don't see
the broom.
Ahead of time, make a pinhole in each fingertip of a latex
glove. Outside, hang a clothesline
about three feet above the ground. Clip the prepared glove to
the clothesline with a spring-type
clothespin. Place a pail below the glove and a low stool or chair
beside it. To help the kids
understand more about cows, milk a glove! Fill the prepared glove
with water. Let the kids take
turns squeezing the fingertips of the glove as if milking, so
that the bucket goes into the bucket.
Milk the Cow using Cow
Picture & Glove
We took white bulletin board paper and drew a
3-4ft picture of a cow without the udders.
We filled latex gloves with water and pinned the udders to the
picture and the picture to
the bulletin board. We also placed our water table under the udders
to catch the "milk".
All the kids had a ball "milking the cow". Oh! We used a pin to prick the
tips of the gloves and took pictures of the kids while they were at work.
Milking a Glove
To help children understand more about milking cows, milk a glove.
Fill the prepared glove with water. Let the kids take turns
the fingertips of the glove as if milking.
Musical Cow Bells
Collect a variety of
cow bells. The children can use the bells for making music.
Place them in the music center for exploration
Edible Cow Necklace
Let the children
create cow necklaces by slicing black licorice into sections.
Provide licorice sections and cheerios to string.
Flax Seed
Buy some flax seed
for your sensory table.
Muddy Pigs
Okay... this one is
for the brave ones out there.
Add mud and plastic toy pigs to your sensory table!
Muddy Pig
I give the children a pink construction paper pig cut-out and give
them some
chocolate pudding to use to finger paint the pig. They all enjoy
this simple art activity.
Pudding Mud
Place chocolate
pudding "mud" in a messy tray and let children use their fingers
to write or draw with. You may choose to hide plastic pigs in a
mound of pudding.
Feed the Sheep
Glue a picture of a sheep onto a paper plate.
Provide tweezers and grass.
Encourage the children to pick up the grass with tweezers to feed
the sheep.
Three Little Pigs
For oral
stimulation and mouth closure, let the children re-enact the Three
Little Pigs.
Provide a tray with pink cotton balls, wolf straws,
and laminated paper houses
(brick, stick, and hay). Place the pink
pig cotton balls onto each house. Encourage the
child to take the
straw with a small picture of the wolf on it, and blow the pigs
out of their house.
Three Little Pigs Block Houses
children to build the 3 Little Pigs houses. Challenge them to
create houses
sturdy enough to withstand the wolf's huff and puff.
Then take turns letting each child huff and
puff and blow their
block houses down, of course, knocking them down is always an
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!