Santa Arts & Crafts Ideas
Santa Star
Cut out large red stars. (5 point) Have children
put the stars with 1 point facing
up - this will be Santas head. The 2 points of the star that
point out to the
sides are the arms, and the 2 points that point downwards are his
Let children add face with markers, use cotton for his fur (top
of hat,
cuffs of arms and legs) glue black strips across center for his
Santa Place Mats
Have the children color a Santa picture. Then
cut it out and glue
onto construction paper. Laminate it for durability so they can
have their very own Santa place mat to use at meal times.
Santa Hat
Red Construction Paper,
Cotton Balls
Cut out a large triangle out of red construction paper. Glue on
the cotton
balls to make a white ball on one of the triangle tips, & glue
cotton balls
along the bottom edge to form the brim. You can also cut out two
triangles &
tape or staple them together to make a hat to fit the child's
Empty Film Container
Thin Ribbon
Cotton Balls (or cotton from pill bottles)
1 1/2 inch or 2 inch green pom-pom
Green Chenille Stem
Paint small rectangles onto the film container so they look like
(optional). Let the paint dry completely. Cut an 8 - 10 inch
piece from the thin ribbon.
Fold it in hang to form the hanger for the ornament. Glue both
ends onto the top,
inside edge of the film container. Glue the cotton balls around
the top edge
of the film container. Glue the pom-pom so it is half-in and
half-out of the film
container, this will be the grinch's bottom stuck in the chimney!
Cut two
3-inch pieces from the green chenille stem. Glue them to the
pom-pom to look like the grinch's legs. Bend the bottom part of
the leg down to form the feet. Hang your ornament on the tree!
Handprint Ornament
Use green paper. Paint fingers white for beard. Paint palm skin
color (mix a little orange
or brown into white until you get the desired skin color). Paint top of
hand and thumb
red for hat. Stamp with thumb out and fingers slightly together, pointing
to the
bottom of the paper. When dry add face and white dot on the end of the
Optional- Laminate, punch a hole at the top and hang on your
Christmas tree!
Silly Santas
Let each child have a turn being Santa. Put a Santa hat on
the child's head, then apply shaving cream
to make a beard. Be sure to tell them NOT to lick the shaving cream.
Take a photo of the child.
Then have child wash his/her face. Have each child decorate an
ornament shaped card. Tape the
child's photo behind the front panel of the card so that his / her face
shows through the opening.
Label the front of the card with the child's name above the photo
and the year below the photo.
Encourage the child to write his / her own greeting inside the card.

(Photo submitted by Shell) |
Santa Face Handprint Ornament
Paint center of palm down to where the fingers
start a flesh
color. Paint from the center
up toward the wrist and onto
the thumb red. Paint the remaining four fingers white.
Hand print with fingers pointing downward. Use
fingertips to
decorate the Santa face with black for eyes. White dots at the
base of the red for the hat fuzz and a white dot on tip of the thumb.
Attach the following poem...
When you hang this ornament
From year to year,
I hope it brings you a smile
From ear to ear
This handprint Santa will
Help you to remember,
How small I was in 2010 -
In the month of December
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!