Candy Cane Fine Motor Skills
Peppermint Play Dough
Play with red and white peppermint scented play dough. Encourage
the children to make
whatever they want and show them how to twist the play dough to make candy
2 cups flour
1 Cup Salt
2 Teaspoons alum
1 Tablespoon peppermint extract
1 Cup water
Red Food Coloring
Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt and 2 tsp. of alum in a bowl.
Add 1 Tbsp. of peppermint extract to 1 cup of water and slowly
stir into dry ingredients. Knead until smooth. Add 6-10 drops
of red food coloring. Knead lightly for 1 minute. Remind the
children that this dough is not edible. Air-dry for approx. 48 hours
or bake on foil-lined cookie sheets at 200 degrees for 1-2 hours.
This dough will retain its smell even after is has dried.
Marble Painting

(Photo submitted by Tiffanie S.)
Cut out a candy cane shape from white paper. Working with
one child at a time,
place the candy cane cutout in a box. Add Peppermint oil to red
tempera paint for a real
candy cane smell. Put a bit of the peppermint scented paint in each
corner of the box.
Then drop in a marble. Have the child tilt the box back and forth
to make the marble roll through
the paint and over the candy cane cutout. Once done, the candy cane
should have stripes.
Candy Cane
Have children string red and white pony beads onto a pipe cleaner.
one end first and then the other when they are done. Shape into a
candy cane.
This is a great activity when teaching AB pattern.
Pipe Cleaner Candy Canes
This is an easy craft for young ones.
Red pipe cleaners
White pipe cleaners
Give each child one white and one red pipe cleaner.
Have them wrap the white
pipe cleaner around the red one. Bend one end of the combined pipe cleaner
into a
U shape and it's done. A simple candy cane that can be hung
on the Christmas tree.
Candy Cane Sensory Bin
Color popcorn in red and green (die them with alcohol ), buy the
mini candy canes,
leave them in the packages but place them in the popcorn, creating a
sensory bin.
Candy Canes and Lace
Cut a 12 inch length of lace and weave the candy cane through its
holes. Then
finish by taping the ends of the lace to the candy cane to hold the lace
in place.
Missing Stripes
Add peppermint extract to a batch of red play dough.
Make several white candy cane cutouts. Have the
children roll the play dough into ropelike shapes. Then
place the play dough on a cutout to make scented stripes.
Candy Cane Ornaments
Bend one end of a six inch length of white pipe cleaner.
Then alternately string red and white
11 millimeter tribeads onto the free end (you'll need 15 of each color.)
Bend and twist the free
end of the pipe cleaner to keep the beads on; then bend the line of beads
into a candy cane shape.
Christmas Candy Cane Chain
Cut sheets of red and white construction paper into strips.
Demonstrate how to form the links.
The links can be pasted, taped, or stapled, depending on the
developmental level of the children.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!