billboards (two pieces of poster board connected by yarn to drape over a
shoulders; set of 8; one letter on each sheet): When placed over
children's heads, one side
will read "God's Gift." When the children turn around, the second
side will read "Jesus!"
This may be divided into individual speaking parts with a different
child taking each letter or the verse may be read by a narrator.
is for God
Who shows us His love.
is that special One
Sent from above.
is that special day
God sent His Son.
is for shepherds
And for angels' songs.
G is gifts
The great Wise Men did bring.
I's for the inn
Where they worshiped the King.
F is forgiveness
God's gift is for us.
T is for "Thank You"
For giving us... |
The children should turn around to display the
word JESUS
on the back of the billboards and shout "JESUS!"
Clop, clop, clop went
the donkey's feet
Clop, clop, clop went the donkey's feet.
Clop, clop, clop down the stoney street.
Nod, nod, nod went
Mary's head.
She was so tired. She needed a bed.
Knock, knock, knock
went Joseph at the door.
Do you have room for anyone more?
No, no, no the
innkeeper said.
We don't even have one more bed.
Wait, wait, wait the
innkeeper said.
You can use my stable for a bed.
Sh, sh, sh what is that
I hear?'
The cry of baby Jesus oh so dear.
Christ is Born
(Sung to the tune of: "Farmer in the Dell")
Jesus Christ is born, Jesus Christ is born
(fold arms as if rocking a baby)
A star shines in Bethlehem
(make a diamond shape over head with fingers)
Jesus Christ is born.
(fold arm as if rocking a baby)
angels praise God, the angels praise God
(move arms like angel's wings)
A star shines in Bethlehem
(make diamond shape over head with fingers)
The angels praise God.
(move arms like angel's wings)
verses . . .
The shepherds go to see . . .
(shade eyes with hand as you move your head from side to side)
The wise men travel far . . .
(march your feet)
Our Savior, he has come; our Saviour, he has come . . .
(point up and then point down)
"C" is
for the Christ Child
When I
was but a youngster, Christmas meant one thing,
that I'd be getting lots of toys that day. learned a whole lot
different when
Mother sat me down, and taught me to spell Christmas this way.....
"C" is for the Christ child, born upon this day
"H" for Herald angels in the night
"R" means our Redeemer
"I" means Israel
"S" is for the Star that shown so bright
"T" is for Three wise men, they who traveled far
"M" is for the Manger where He lay
"A" is for All He stands for
"S" means Shepherds came
And that's why there's a Christmas day.

Jesus Is Born
(Sung to the tune of: "We Wish You A Merry Christmas")
The angels told list'ning shepherds,
The angels told
list'ning shepherds,
The angels told
list'ning shepherds,
Baby Jesus is born.
(Sung to the tune of: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.")
Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star
Over Bethlehem afar!
Up above the stable high,
You're the brightest in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star
Over Bethlehem afar!
Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star,
Now I know just what you are:
Light to guide us on our way
To the place where Jesus lay.
Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas star,
Now I know just what you are!
Five big shepherds in the night
(Hold up fingers of right hand.)
Watched the sheep within their sight.
(Shade eyes to look around.)
Angels came from heaven on high;
(Arch left hand up and over right hand.)
The shepherds quivered and shook with fright.
(Wrap arms around self; shake as afraid.)
The angels sang a song of joy
(Clap hands.)
To tell the birth of a special Boy.
(Hold hand to measure short height.)
The angels left and the shepherds too.
(Arch left hand up and away. Wiggle fingers of right hand as
if walking.)
They wanted to see the Baby new.
(Pretend to rock a baby.)
(Sung to the tune of: "Jingle Bells.")
night, star so bright,
Stable filled with hay,
Here is baby Jesus, born on Christmas Day.
Angels sing of the king;
Shepherds bow so low.
God has sent his Son to us
Because he loves us so!
This is Jesus ready for a nap.
(Hold up right index finger.)
This is His mother Mary's lap.
(Cup left hand, palm up.)
Lay Jesus down and cover Him up.
(Place finger in palm, fold left hand over it.)
Watch Mary rock Jesus down and up.
(Rock hands as if rocking a baby.)
Jesus bounces on Joseph's knee.
(Bend right index finger over left index finger and bounce
them up and down.)
Jesus played with His father like you and me!
(Point to others and self.)
Jesus Goes to Sleep
Leader: It's late at night on the day Jesus was born. Mary
holds baby Jesus
and rocks him. She says, "Hush, hush, little baby; go to sleep."
(fold arms as if rocking a baby)
Children: Hush, hush, little baby; go to
sleep. (copy actions of leader)
Leader: The cows mooed softly. They said, "Moo, moo,
little baby; go to sleep."
(get down on hands & knees & moo)
Children: Moo, moo, little baby; go to sleep.
(copy actions of leader)
Leader: The shepherds tiptoed in. They said, "Shh, shh,
little baby; go to sleep."
(tiptoe in place and put fingers on lips)
Children: Shh, shh, little baby; go to sleep.
(copy actions of leader)
Leader: The sheep baaed quietly. They said, "Baa, baa,
little baby; go to sleep."
(stand on hands and knees and baa.)
Children: Baa, baa, little baby; go to sleep.
(copy actions of leader)
Leader: They all sing to Jesus. They sing, "Go to
sleep, little baby; go to sleep."
(fold arms as if rocking a baby.)
Children: Go to sleep, little baby; go to sleep.
(copy actions of leader)
Mary Had
A Baby Boy
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary Had A Little Lamb")
had a baby boy
Baby boy
Baby boy
Mary had a baby boy
And she named Him Jesus
He was born in a manger
In a manger
In a manger
He was born in a manger
Among all the hay
Mary had a baby boy
Baby boy
Baby boy
Mary had a baby boy
And she named Him Jesus
After the first two verses:
The Shepard's came to visit him Visit him, Visit him.
The Shepard's came to visit him Because the angel told them.
three wise men brought him gifts, Brought him gifts, Brought him
The three wise men brought him gifts. Frankincense, gold and myrrh.
Jesus Came To Earth
A little, tiny baby
(Pretend to rock "baby" in arms.)
A-sleeping on the hay -
(Lay head on folded hands.)
His name is Baby Jesus;
(Cup hands around mouth; shout, "Jesus!")
He's come to earth today.
(Motion hands toward self for "come.")
Children See Him
children see Him lily white, The Baby Jesus born this night,
Some children see Him lily white, With tresses soft and fair.
Some children see Him bronzed and brown,
The Lord of heaven to earth come down;
Some children see Him bronzed and brown, With dark and heavy hair.
Some children see Him almond-eyed, This Savior whom we kneel beside,
Some children see Him almond-eyed, With skin of yellow hue.
Some children see Him dark as they, Sweet Mary’s Son to whom we
Some children see Him dark as they, And, Ah! they love Him, too!
The children in each different place Will see the baby Jesus’ face
Like theirs, but bright with heavenly grace, and filled with holy
O lay aside each earthly thing, and with thy heart as offering,
Come worship now the Infant King, ‘Tis love that’s born tonight!
Twas' the
Night Before Jesus
Twas' the night
Jesus came and all through the house,
not a person was praying, not one in the house.
The Bible was left on the shelf without care,
for no one thought Jesus would come there.
The children were dressing to crawl into bed,
not once ever kneeling or bowing their head.
And Mom in the rocking chair with baby on her lap
was watching the Late Show as I took a nap.
When out of the east there rose such a clatter,
I sprang to my feet to see what's the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
tore open the shutters and lifted the sash.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but Angels proclaiming that Jesus was here.
The light of His face made me cover my head,
it was Jesus returning just like He'd said.
And though I possessed worldly wisdom and wealth,
I cried when I saw Him in spite of myself.
in the Book of Life that in which he held in his hand,
was written the name of every saved man.
He spoke not a word as he searched for my name,
when He said "it is not here" I hung my head in shame.
The peoples who's names had been written with love,
He gathered to take to his Father above.
With those who were ready He rose without a sound,
while all the others were left standing around.
I fell to my knees but it was too late,
I waited to long and thus sealed my fate.
I stood and I cried as they rose out of sight,
Oh, if only I'd know that this was the night.
In the words of this poem the meaning is clear
the coming of Jesus is now drawing near.
There's only one life and when comes the last call,
We'll find out that the Bible was true after all...