Live Outdoor
Nativity Scene Play
will work if you have an outdoors nativity scene. We
pretended we were
part of my outdoor nativity scene. In other words we had a living
nativity scene,
we just didn't have the live animals, except for my families dogs, which
the kids thought it was neat that the dogs were part of our pretend play.
Nativity Scene
Puppet Show
Cut out
pictures of the Holy Family from old Christmas cards. Let
each child
choose one that they like and glue it on to a popsicle stick . Have a
puppet show.

Nativity Scene
Hang a glittering star over a quiet corner in your room.
(The home living area is where we put ours) Under the
place a rocking chair and a doll sized manger.
Inside the manger,
place a doll, wrapped in "swaddling
clothes." The children do a wonderful
job of taking care
of "Baby Jesus." Sweet photo opportunity too!
Away In A Manger
We used props (hay, manger, baby,
stars, etc) to act
out the song "Away In A Manger" while we all sang it.
Christmas Play
Bible Costumes.
Use white bed sheets that could be donated by
members of the
congregation/parents and make wings
out of wire hangers (White tights
worked great)
outline/decorate them with fabric paint in silver and
the Angel Gabriel use gold. For the Halos use Christmas garlands (the
wire ones with little
stars on them, you get those in silver or gold as well)
Use big paper rolls for your
three Inns and the Stable, paint the
and Stable with tempera paint on it and then attache them to room
dividers (some move individually
they are free standing, but big
cardboard boxes would
have worked just as well).
Make huge Palm trees
out of cardboard, put the stems in paint buckets,
paint the stems brown and
buy big green Construction Papers, to cut out
leaves, to give them a shape duct tape wire to the
back of the leaves,
then you will be able to bend them every
which way. Position the Palm
left and right behind the stable and make a Star
out of
Cardboard (wrapped in Tinfoil) and attach Christmas lights to it.
Around on the stable floor and the cradle arrange
red Christmas lights.
When you are in front of the stage, all you should see
the 3 Inns, the stable
is hidden behind the 3rd Inn,
Inn 1 and 2 are to the left and to the right of the
Inn, so you could not see the stable. Have older
Children (called your
Stagehands, because they want to
help) they can remove the 3rd Inn
after the scene there
Use a lot
of cardboard, tin and gold foil for the Wise men's
You may need to have people to help sew the costumes.
The "animals" can be wearing jogging
suits in the color of the animal
they presented or you
can make those costumes out of paper bags
and the
headpieces out of construction paper.
With a lot of imagination and a group of people, you
will be amazed what
you can come up with. It
is a lot of fun to see it come together and then
at the
special day, see the amazed parents looking at their