A Camping
We Will Go I
(Sung to the tune of: "Farmer in the Dell")
A camping we will go.
A camping we will go.
Hi ho we're off to the woods.
A camping we will go.
Sue will bring the tent.
Oh Sue will bring the tent.
Hi ho we're off to the woods.
A camping we will go.
Tom will bring the food.
Oh Tom will bring the food.
Hi ho we're off to the woods.
A camping we will go.
*** Use the children's instead of the ones in the song.
A Camping
We Will Go II
(Sung to the tune of: "Farmer in the Dell")
A camping we will go.
A camping we will go.
Heigh-Ho, off we go
A camping we will go.
First we pitch our tent
First we pitch
our tent
Heigh-Ho, up it goes
First we pitch our tent
Then we chop our wood
Then we chop our wood
Heigh-Ho, up and down we go
Then we chop our wood
We light our fire now
We light our fire now
Heigh-Ho, watch it go
We light our fire now
We cook our dinner now
We cook our dinner now
Heigh-Ho, we stir it so
We cook our dinner now
Time to go to sleep
Time to go to sleep
Heigh-Ho, to bed we go
Time to go to sleep
Additional Verses:
We'll hike in a field of grass...
We'll roast hotdogs by the fire...
We Love
(Sung to the tune of: "London Bridge")
We will pack our sleeping bags, sleeping bags, sleeping bags,
We will pack our sleeping bags,
We love camping!
We will pack our warmest clothes, warmest clothes, warmest clothes,
We will pack our warmest clothes,
We love camping!
(Sung to the tune of: "Where is Thumbkin?")
Let's go camping
Let's go camping
Pack the tent
Pack the tent
We will all go hiking
We will all go swimming
We will have fun!
We will have fun!
Little Hot Dogs
Five little hot dogs in the frying pan,
The grease got hot and one went BAM! (clap and yell)
Four little hot dogs in the frying pan,
The grease got hot and one went BAM!
Three little hot dogs in the frying pan,
The grease got hot and one went BAM!
Two little hot dogs in the frying pan,
The grease got hot and one went BAM!
One little hot dog in the frying pan,
The grease got hot and one went BAM!
No little hot dogs in the frying pan,
The pan got hot and IT went BAM!

When We Camp
(Sung to the tune
of: She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain")
We'll be hikin' through
the forest when we camp
We'll be hikin'
through the forest when we camp
We'll be hikin' through the forest
As we sing a happy chorus
We'll be hikin' through
the forest when we camp
We'll be singin' round the campfire when we camp
We'll be singin' round the campfire when we camp
We'll be singin' songs 'bout cowboys
We'll be singin' songs 'bout fishing
We'll be singin' round the campfire when we camp
We will all be kind to nature when we camp
We will all be kind to nature when we camp
We won't throw our trash around
Or pick flowers from the ground
We will all be kind to nature when we camp.
Under the
Under the dark is a star,
Under the star is a tree,
Under the tree is a blanket
and under the blanket is me!
Little Stars
Five little stars, twinkling in the sky.
The first one said, "This is much too high."
The second one said, "I'm the brightest star of all."
The third one said, "Be careful, don't fall."
The fourth one said, "Isn't nighttime fun?"
The fifth one said, "On no! Here comes the sun!"
Then up rose the Sun, so high in the sky,
And the five little stars said "Good bye!"
Two Little Black Bears
(Sung to the tune
of: "Two Little Black Birds")
Two little black bears
sitting on a hill
One named Jack, one named Jill
Run away Jack
Run away Jill
Come back Jack
Come back Jill
Two little black
bears sitting on a hill
One named Jack, one named Jill
Going On A Bear Hunt
Prepare the children by
asking them to listen and watch carefully so that they
can echo back each phrase and imitate the motions as they accompany the
Begin by patting your hands on your thighs to make footstep sounds.
Let's go on a bear hunt...
We're going to find a bear...
I've got my camera... (echo)
Open the door, squeak... (echo)
Walk down the walk... (echo)
Open the gate, creak... (echo)
Walk down the road... (echo)
Coming to a wheat field... (echo)
Can't go under it... (echo)
Can't go over it... (echo)
Have to walk through it... (echo)
(Stop patting your thighs and rub your hands together to make a
swishing sound.)
Go through the wheat field... (echo)
Coming to a bridge... (echo)
Can't go under it... (echo)
Can't go around it... (echo)
Have to walk over it... (echo)
(Stop patting your thighs and pound your fists on your chest.)
Over a bridge... (echo)
Coming to a tree... (echo)
Can't go under it... (echo)
Can't go around it... (echo)
We'll have to climb it... (echo)
(Stop patting your thighs and place one fist on top of the other
in a climbing motion.)
All the way to the top... (echo)
(Look from one side to the other)
Do you see a bear?... (echo)
No (Shaking head)... (echo)
We'll have to climb down... (echo)
(Place fist under fist to climb down.)
Coming to a river... (echo)
We can't go under it... (echo)
We can't fly over it... (echo)
Can't go around it... (echo)
We'll have to cross it... (echo)
Let's get in the boat... (echo)
And row, row, row...
(All sing "Row, Row Your Boat accompanied with rowing motions.)
We got across the river... (echo)
We're coming to a cave... (echo)
We can't go under it... (echo)
We can't go over it... (echo)
Can't go around it... (echo)
We'll have to go in it... (echo)
Let's tiptoe
(Use fingertips to pat thighs - whisper)
It's dark inside... (echo)
It's very dark inside... (echo)
I can see two eyes... (echo)
And a big furry body... (echo)
And I feel a wet nose... (echo)
It's a bear... Run...(echo)
(Patting hands very quickly)
Run back to the river
Row the boat across the river
(Rowing Motion)
Run to the tree
Climb up and climb down
(Do climbing motion)
Run to the bridge and cross it
(Pat chest)
Run through the wheat field
(Swish hands together)
Run up the road
Open the gate... it creaks
(Open gate)
Run up the walk,
Open the door... it squeaks,
(Open door)
(Clap hands together)
Wheeew! We're safe!!!
(Wipe brow)

By the Campfire
We sat around the
On a chilly night (hug self)
Telling spooky stories
In the pale moonlight (look up to the sky)
Then we added some more logs
To make the fire bright
And sang some favorite camp songs
Together will all our might.
(Extend arms out wide.)
And then the fire flickered
and embers began to form.
We snuggled in our sleeping bags
all cozy, tired, and warm.
(Lay on ground, hug self)
1,2, tie my shoe;
3,4, eat s’mores;
5,6, pick up sticks;
7,8, lay them straight;
9,10, big bear’s den;
Wish On A
Star light,
Star bright.
First star
I see tonight.
I wish I may
I wish I might
Have the wish
I wish tonight.
Did You
Ever Go A-Camping
(Sung to the tune of: "Did You Ever See a Lassie?")
Did you ever go a-camping, a-camping, a-camping?
Did you ever go a-camping and sleep in a tent?
Did you ever go
a-camping, a-camping, a-camping?
Did you ever go
a-camping and see a raccoon?
Did you ever go a-camping, a-camping, a-camping?
Did you ever go a-camping and hike in the woods?
Did you ever go a-camping, a-camping, a-camping?
Did you ever go a-camping
and fish in a boat?
Did you ever go a-camping, a-camping, a-camping?
Did you ever go a-camping
and have a campfire?
Five Little Bear Cubs
Five little bear cubs
Eating an apple core
One had a sore tummy
And then there were four.
Four little bear cubs
Climbing a tree
One fell out
And then there were three.
Three little bear cubs
Playing peek-a-boo
One was afraid
And then there were two.
Two little bear cubs
Sitting in the sun
One ran away
And then there was one.
One little bear cub
Sitting all alone
He saw his mommy
And then he ran home.
Does Light Come From
The sun shines down
and gives me light
And so do all the stars at night.
Light comes from a bulb in my bedroom lamp
And I have a lantern to use at camp.