Put a piece of chocolate and marshmallow between two graham crackers
either put them out in the sun between aluminum pans or heat them up in
the microwave.
~ or ~
Break a graham cracker in half, break the Hershey
bar in half and place it on top of the graham cracker.
Place one large marshmallow onto the Hershey bar.
Cover with another graham cracker half. Roast over flame
until the marshmallow and chocolate have melted.
Beans and
Serve the children beans and cut up hot dogs for lunch.
Snack Packs
Of course no
camping trip is complete without a nice long hike. And if you go on
a long hike,
you just HAVE to take along a snack! So...have each
camper use his/her counting, scooping,
and writing skills to create his own individual trail-mix recipe and snack
In advance set out bowls of ingredients like...peanuts, raisins,
choc chips, mini marshmallows,
stick pretzels, granola,etc... Place a tablespoon in each bowl.
Next...make a large recipe for children
to use as a guide on a 11x14 piece of poster board. I drew pictures to
make mine easy to follow!
Invite each camper to scoop from 1 to 3 spoonfuls of each ingredient
that he likes into his
own ziplock bag. After he adds each ingredient have him record the number
of spoonfuls used.
Have each camper take home their own recipe to share with their
Save the snack packs for your class hike!
Trail Mix
Raisins, coconut, peanuts, and pretzels. Invite
children to place
a spoonful of each ingredient into a small plastic bag for trail food.
Go for a walk and
stop to eat the trail mix for a snack.
Spread marshmallow cream and fudge frosting on graham
crackers for some easy and tasty s’mores with no campfire.
Snack Mix
Break up graham crackers into bite sized pieces (or
pick up some
Teddy Grahams), mix with chocolate chips and mini marshmallows.

Teach children how to build a campfire. Start by
placing a small pile of coconut
(tinder) on a napkin or plate. Place small rod pretzels (kindling) in an
or square shape. Add larger rod pretzels (logs) on top following the base
shape. Sprinkle chocolate chips (charcoal) on top. Enjoy!
You will need: 12 m&m's for the fire ring rocks, three pretzel
sticks in the shape of a
triangle for the fuel, Hershey kiss for the fire starter (a girl scout
trick), coconut for
the tinder, potato sticks for the kindling, a little piece of red licorice
string for the
match, and then, of course, you must roast a mini-marshmallow on a
Place goldfish crackers on a blue napkin (as a lake
or pond). Have the children
dip pretzel sticks (fishing pole) into peanut butter (bait) and then
touch the peanut butter to the goldfish....”Hey, I caught one!”
Hotdog "Filet"
Ingredients Needed:
Small slice of cheese
Strip of bacon
2 toothpicks Cut hotdog lengthwise, but not all the way through. Stuff
sliced cheese into the slit. Wrap with bacon slice, securing ends of bacon
with a toothpick. Cook on a stick or in a cardboard box oven, 10-15 minutes.
Spoon Fudge
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1 Tbsp. butter (1/8 stick)
2 tsp. cream cheese
few dashes vanilla
1/2 - 1 Tbsp. cocoa
1 "Ziploc" sandwich bag
Place all ingredients in the Ziploc bag and squeeze
out all the air. Squish and smoosh the bag until all the ingredients are well
mixed and there is a creamy consistency. Add any flavorings or other stuff
like raisins, M&Ms, nuts, peanut butter, etc.
Spoon Fudge
(large serving)
Ingredients Needed:
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 stick butter
3 oz. cube cream cheese
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 - 1/2 cup cocoa
1 gallon size"Ziploc" bag
Place all ingredients in the Ziploc bag and
squeeze out all the air. Squish and smoosh
the bag until all the ingredients
are well mixed and there is a creamy consistency.
Add any flavorings or
other stuff like raisins, M&Ms, nuts, peanut butter, etc.
Kid's Ice
1/2 cup milk (lowfat is OK)
2 different sized coffee cans
or "Ziploc" freezer bags
1 Tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla
6 Tbs salt (for larger container)
Place milk, sugar and vanilla in smaller container and seal it tightly.
Fill the large container half full of ice and add the salt. Place the
smaller container inside the larger container and seal it tightly. Shake it
for about 5-15 minutes or until it turns into ice cream. Wipe off the edge
of the small container before opening it (you may mix some salt into the ice
If using a can, you can kick it to mix it, but be sure that both lids are
duct-taped very well first.
Shaking the container can easily tire some
people. (Make games: how far can you kick it;
can you kick to a "goal"; can
yours collide with someone else's?)
Banana Boats
Leaving the skin on slice halfway through the long way. Place broken
up marshmallows and small bits of
chocolate in the banana slit. Wrap the entire banana in tin foil and worm
in the oven until chocolate
and marshmallows begin to melt. When warmed, scoop out banana and
marshmallows with a spoon.