Camping Dramatic Play Ideas

Camping Supplies &
Collect various
types of camping equipment and clothing and place in the
dramatic play area or outdoors. Include items such as hiking
boots, sweat shirt,
raincoats, sleeping bags, back packs, cooking tools, a
small shovel, canteen, toy lantern,
pots and pans, compass,
flashlight, tent, etc. Put up a pup tent inside as a reading tent.
Fun In the Classroom
guys love camping, we usually put up a small tent inside the
playroom and add,
a sleeping bag, a flashlight, back pack, maybe even some dishes for
cooking over the fire,
we use wood blocks and red and orange construction paper to make a pretend
Set up a rocking boat or a large box in side or outdoors.
Prepare paper fish with paperclips attached to them. Include fishing poles
made from
wooden dowel rods and a long piece of string with a magnet attached to the

Marshmallow Roast
kids skewered marshmallows on the end of drinking straws and
them over our imaginary fire. Take small dowel rods and glue cotton balls
to the end for roasting marshmallows. Use some of the blocks to set up a
Tent Fun
Put a tent up in the backyard and let the kids play in it during out
door time.
Rolled up
newspapers make great logs for the pretend campfire
school backpacks in your dramatic play area.
They make great hiking packs.
Develop a puppet
corner in the dramatic play area including
various animal puppets which might be seen while camping.
Fun in Dramatic Play Area
Help your children
create a tent by draping a sheet over a table. Provide a
flashlight and
blanket or sleeping bag and your children will be prepared for hours of
indoor camping fun.
Add Lincoln logs for a fire,
fisherman's equipment, backpacks, canteens, play lanterns,
pretend fishing poles, nets, camping hats, camoflauge clothing, boots, and child
sized life jackets, bandanas to your dramatic play area.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!