Bubbles, Rainbows, & Worms
Science Experiments for
Fun w/ Water & Bubbles
Little Scientists
Hands on Activities
Bubbles Science Ideas
Bubble Paint

(Photo submitted by Nanette) |
For each color, mix 1/4 cup
of tempera powder with 3 tbsp. of
water and 2 tsp. of dishwashing soap in a bowl or other
Stir until the mixture is well-blended. If you think you
want a brighter
color, add more tempera paint. Lay newspaper out on
your work
surface, and then put your bowl of paint on the newspaper next to
your paper. Put the drinking straw in the bowl and gently blow the
paint mixture. Keep blowing until the bubbles overflow. To capture
your bubbles on paper, gently roll one of your pieces of paper on
top of the bubbles that stand up from the bowl. The bubbles will leave
a print on your paper before they burst. Lay your paper flat to dry.
If the edges of your paper curl, put a large, heavy book on top
of your paper after it has dried. Leave the book for several hours.
This is not age appropriate for younger
children, then tend to suck
the bubble paint mixture through the straw instead of blowing through it.
Rainbow Bubbles
While children are puffing and popping up a
bubble wonderland, call their attention to the rainbow
of colors on the surfaces of these shimmering spheres. Then invite
the children to create their
own models of a colorful bubble. For each child, cut a circle from a
sheet of white tagboard; then
cut out the center to create a ring. Glue a slightly larger sheet of
waxed paper to each side of the
ring. After the glue dries, trim the excess waxed paper from around
the ring. Then invite the
child to use watercolor markers in a rainbow of colors to decorate
his/her bubble. After the child
has applied the desired colors on one side of bubble, have him/her
wipe away the beaded marker
drops from the surface so that a colorful opaque appearance results.
Then have child repeat the
process on the other side of the bubble.

Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!