Birthday Arts & Crafts Ideas
Birthday Headband

(Photo submitted by Nanette)
Cut a long strip of construction paper sized to fit around
child's head.
Attach the same number of birthday candle cutouts that represent the
child's age.
Birthday Wear Cut a length of solid colored bulletin
board border to fit around the birthday child's head.
On the border write
"Happy Birthday, (Child's Name)!" Next, ask each classmate to select a
(from a supply you've provided) and attach it to the project. When
the stickers are in place,
staple the ends of the border together.
Invite the birthday child to wear his/her special crown all day.
Make plans to design birthday wear for all your students - even those who
have birthdays during the summer months.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!