School Bus Lace Card
I found a big bus shape out
of clip art, I copy onto yellow tag board, laminate
and punch holes around the bus, get some yellow yarn and use it for a lace
Check Skill Levels
Just to see the skills
level of my new kg kids in coloring & cutting,
we start the year out with a graphing activity. I have an easy too
color sheet of a bus or car. The child chooses the one he came to
school in and colors it then cuts it out. We graph these. It is very
easy to identify the ones who need help this way.
( If you have walkers you may want to include a picture of shoes)
Puzzle Fun
On the first day of school,
have an enlarged puzzle piece taped to the bottom
of each desk. The students can then take their puzzle piece and decorate
according to their likes and hobbies. Talk to the children about how you
as a class
are like this puzzle. You are all individuals, but when you are put
together and work
together as a team, the puzzle becomes that much better. Have each student
come to the front of the room to lay their puzzle piece down on the floor.
When it is put together, it will read,
Note: The best way to set this up is to take large butcher paper,
write the above message on it, and then cut the paper into the individual puzzle
Simple Stencils
Trace a large die cut shape
onto the front of a manila folder and then cut out the shape.
Place a stack of white paper inside the folder. Close the folder
and keep it in your fine
motor area. (Repeat this process to make a supply of folders with various
shapes.) A child
at this center traces the inside of a cutout shape and then opens the
folder and removes
her tracing. When she closes the folder again, a fresh sheet of
paper is ready for the next
student! Invite youngsters to color and cut out their tracings for
more fine motor fun.