
Valentine's Day
Songs, Poems, & Fingerplays
(Sung to the tune of: "Bingo")
To show you like your special friends,
Just give them each a heart.
H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T, H-E-A-R-T,
Each heart says I like you!
Love is So Grand
(Sung to the
tune of: "Row, Row, Your Boat")
Love, love is so grand.
It makes me feel just fine.
I love you and you love me.
So let's be valentines!
Red Hearts
(Sung to the tune of: "Row,
Row, Row Your Boat")
One, two, three red hearts,
Pretty as can be.
See them standing in a row,
Just for you and me.
Sing while counting heart
stickers or paper hearts.
Valentines Say I Love You
(Sung to the tune of: "London
Valentines say I love you,
I love you, I love you,
Valentines say I love you,
Yes I really do.
the words "I love you" as you sing this song.
All the Time
(Sung to the tune of: "Oh, My Darling Clementine")
I love you, I love you,
I love you all the time.
And I hope, oh yes I hope
You will be my valentine
I love you , I love you,
I love you night and day.
And I hope, oh yes, I hope
You will love me the same way.
I'll Make A Valentine
(Sung to the tune of: "London Bridge")
I'll make a bright red valentine,
Valentine, valentine.
I'll make a bright red valentine,
And give it right to you.
I'll trim it with lace and bows,
Lace and bows, lace and bows.
I'll trim it with lace and bows,
And give it right to you.
Hug Song
(Sung to the tune of: "Farmer in the
I made this hug for you.
To cheer you when you're blue
Heigh-ho, the derry oh
I made this hug for you!
Valentine For You
(Sung to the tune of: "Farmer in the
A valentine for you,
A valentine for you,
A valentine, a valentine,
A valentine for you.
Please Be My Valentine
(Sung to the tune of: "The Farmer in the Dell")
Please be my valentine,
Please be my valentine.
I'll be yours if you'll be mine.
Please be my valentine.
I Get Valentines
(Sung to the tune of: "Farmer in the
I get valentines
From all my special friends.
I love to get, I love to give
Valentines today.
Valentines Red
(Sung to the tune of: "Lavender's
Valentines red, dilly, dilly
Valentines blue,
Valentines all pink and frilly,
Say, "I love you!"
Flowers and lace, dilly, dilly,
Pretty cards, too,
Valentines covered with hearts,
Say "I love you."
Little Valentine
(Sung to the tune of: "Skip
To My Lou")
Little red Valentine, I love you.
Little red Valentine, I love you.
Little red Valentine, I love you.
Blue one says, I do too.
Little blue Valentine, I love you.
Little blue Valentine, I love you.
Little blue Valentine, I love you.
White one says, I do too.
I'm a Little Valentine
(Sung to the tune of: "I'm a Little
I'm a little valentine,
Red and white,
With ribbons and lace,
I'm a beautiful sight.
I can say "I love you"
On Valentine's Day.
Just put me in an envelope
And give me away!
(Sung to the tune of: "Did you ever see a Lassie")
Will you please be my valentine,
My valentine, my valentine?
Will you please be my valentine?
For I love you.
Here's hugs and kisses
And lots of wishes.
Will you please be my valentine?
For I love you.
Heart Hopping
(Sung to the tune of: "Mulberry Bush")
Here we go hopping-round the room
Around the room, around the room
Here we go hopping round the room
On St. Valentine's Day.
Please Be Mine
(Sung to the tune of: "Pop Goes the Weasel")
Here's a special card for you,
Will you please be mine?
It's filled with hugs and lots of love,
Be my valentine!
I Love You
(Sung to the tune of: "I Love You")
I love you,
I love you
With all my heart,
With all my heart.
I love you when the stars shine at night.
I love you when the sun shines its light.
I love you, love you with all my might,
I love you!
When you send a Valentine
When you send a valentine,
That's the time for fun,
Slip it underneath the door,
Ring the bell and run, run, run,
Ring the bell and run,
Have a bell and a letter with a valentine in
it for
a prop. The child can act out the sneaking
up to the door and pretending
to push
button. All the children must run to safety.
A Valentine's Day Song
(Sung to the tune of: "Down By the
Down at the station, early in the morning,
See the happy engineer waving hello.
The wheels are all oiled
and the smoke stack is cleaned out,
Puff, puff, toot, toot - he's ready to go!
Where is he going, so early in the morning?
He's loaded down with valentines and happy wishes, too.
Where is he taking them? You may have three guesses,
Puff, puff, toot, toot, - to you, that's who!
Time for Valentines
(Sung to the tune of: "Oh, Susanna")
Oh, it's finally time for valentines,
That friendly time of year.
My heart is filled with lots of love
For friends so sweet and dear.
Oh, dear valentine,
I hope that you'll be mine.
You are a very special friend,
A sweetheart so divine.
Repeat each time substituting a child's
for the word "valentine" in line five.
Hugs and Kisses
(Sung to the tune of: "Wheels
on the Bus ")
Oh, I just love your hugs and kisses
(sign hugs and kisses)
Hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses
Oh, I just love your hugs and kisses, hugs and kisses. Come and
give me some.
Look Who's Coming
(Sung to the tune of: "This Old
Look who's coming down the walk
Mr. Mailman won't you stop
With a knock, knock, knock, knock
Anyone at home?
A valentine for you has come!
Pass out Valentines
(Sung to the tune of: "Skip
to My Lou")
Pass, pass, pass out cards,
Pass, pass, pass out cards,
Pass, pass, pass out cards,
Celebrating Valentines.
Three Red Valentines
(Sung to the tune of: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
Three red valentines, each one with a bow.
Pretty and shiny and lacey, too.
Standing in a row.
The Postman Brings
A Valentine
(Sung to the tune of:
"Mulberry Bush")
The postman brings a
a valentine, a valentine,
The postman brings a valentine,
it says that I love you!
I Love You
(Sung to the tune of: "This Old Man")
I love you, you love me;
We're as happy as can be!
Here's a great big kiss
And a hug from me to you.
Won't you say you love me, too.
Love is Something
Love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more!
It's just like a magic penny.
Hold it tight and you won't have any
Lend it, spend it, and you'll have so many,
They'll roll all over the floor.
For love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more!
Be My Valentine
(Sung to the tune of: "Row Row, Row Your Boat")
Yes, yes, I love you,
Be my valentine.
Here's a heart just for you,
Won't you please be mine?
Yes, yes, watch me close,
Watch me while I sign.
I love you, yes, I do,
Be my Valentine
Good Morning Valentine!
Today is Valentine's Day
Today is Valentine's Day
We love you and want to say,
"Happy Valentine's Day!"
Be My Valentine
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary had a Little Lamb")
You're a special
Friend of mine
Friend of mine
Friend of mine
You're a special
Friend of mine
Be my valentine!
I Love You
(Sung to the tune of: "London Bridge")
(Mary), (Mary), I love you
I love you,
I love you,
(Mary), (Mary), I love you
Do you love me too?
Substitute Mary for another child's name.
Valentine Song
(Sung to the tune of: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little
I had a valentine sent to me
From someone,
Who could it be?
Could it be (Mary), (John), or (Joe)?
(Ann), or (Mike)? I do not know.
I had a valentine sent to me,
From someone,
Who could it be?
Three Valentines
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary Had a Little Lamb")
Three valentines I have for you,
Have for you, have for you.
Three valentines I have for you,
Pink and red and blue.
I'll put them in the mail for you,
Mail for you, mail for you.
I'll put them in the mail for you,
Pink and red and blue.
Valentines, Valentines
(Sung to the tune of: "This Old
Valentines, valentines
Send them out to everyone.
When you do, it's always lots of fun.
Valentines for everyone.
Valentines, valentines,
Oh, so pretty and red too.
Send them out and sign them "Guess who?"
Valentines for me and you.
Counting Valentines
(Sung to the tune of: "Ten Little
One red, two red, three red valentines
Four red, five red, six red valentines
Seven red, eight red, nine red valentines
Ten red valentines.
Ten red, nine red, eight red valentines
Seven red, Six red, five red valentines
Four red, three red, two red valentines
One red valentine.
Valentines I've Made for You
(Sung to the tune of: "Twinkle, Twinkle,
Little Star")
Valentines I've made for you,
Some with hearts and Flowers too.
All of them bring love from me,
Each one's special, you will see.
If you promise to be mine,
I'll give you my valentines.
Yes, I do
(Sung to the tune of: "Three Blind Mice")
I love you, I love you
Yes, I do, yes, I do
I love you every night and day,
I love you when I work and play,
I love you in so many ways,
I love you!
Five Little
One little
valentine said, "I love you."
(hold up fist and extend one finger)
Tommy made another; then there were two.
(extend another finger)
Two little valentines, one for me;
Mary made another; then there were three.
(extend another finger)
Three little valentines said, "We need one more."
Johnny made another; then there were four.
(extend another finger)
Four little valentines, one more to arrive;
Susan made another; then there were five.
(extend another finger)
Five little valentines all ready to say,
"Be my valentine on this happy day."
How Many Valentines?
How many do you see?
Valentines, valentines;
Count them with me:
One for Father
(hold up thumb)
One for Mother
(hold up pointer finger)
One for Grandma, too;
(hold up middle finger)
One for Sister;
(hold up ring finger)
One for Brother,
(hold up little finger)
And here is one for YOU!
(make heart shape with thumbs and pointer
Love Somebody, Yes I Do
(Traditional Folk Song)
Love somebody, yes I do,
Love somebody, yes I do,
Love somebody, yes I do,
Love somebody, but I won't tell who.
Continue with these additional verses...
Love my Daddy, yes I do...
Love my Mommy, yes I do...
Love my Grandma, yes I do...
Love my Grandpa, yes I do...
I'm a Happy Little Heart
(Sung to the tune of: "I'm a Little White Duck")
I'm a happy little heart,
Pink and white and red,
With lace around my edge.
I have three words
On the front of me.
That say I love you,
Oh, can't you see?
That I'm a happy little heart
Pink and white and red,
Happy little heart.
Pretty Valentine
To every little friend of mine.
I'll send a pretty
heart shape with thumbs and pointers)
You'll find a message, if you'll look. (Open palms)
I'll use an envelope for
this (Two fists together)
I'll write my name, then
seal a kiss.
What color shall I give to you?
Orange, purple, green or blue?
Yellow or pink? White or red?
Or maybe a lacy one instead.
Valentine Rhyme
Look who's coming down the walk.
Mr. Postman, won't you stop?
Knock, knock, knockety-knock.
Anyone at home?
A Valentine for you has come.
One for Jack, one for mom.
One for Dad and one for Tom.
Knock, knock, knockety-knock.
Anyone at home?
A Valentine for you has come!
Mother's Valentine
Listen mother, you know what?
On Valentines day I love you a lot.
So I'll throw you a kiss, mother of mine.
I want you for my
Love Me - Love Me Not
They say that daisies will not tell
Of course they never do
But when you pick their petals
They tell if one you love loves you.
Valentines, Valentines.
Red, white and blue.
I will find a nice one,
And give it to you.
Pretty Little Valentine
Valentine, Valentine, I made a little
I wore my little Valentine and I heard some people say,
"A Valentine, a Valentine, what a pretty little Valentine.
I hope that you remember that it is Valentine's Day!"
Five Little Valentine's
Just for
The first one says, "My love is true."
The second one says, "You have my heart."
The third one says, "Let us never part."
The fourth one says, "Won't you please be mine?"
The fifth one says, "'Til the end of time."
Counting Valentines
Valentines, valentines, how many do you see?
Valentines, valentines, count them with me.
One for father, one for mother,
One for grandma too.
One for sister, one for brother,
And here is one for you! (make heart with hands)

A Valentine
A Valentine, a Valentine.
Who wants to be my Valentine?
The sun will shine,
The sun will shine.
If you will be my Valentine.
Ten Little Valentines
One red, two red, three red
Four red, five red, six red Valentines
Seven red, eight red, nine red Valentines
Ten little red Valentines.
Give children numbered hearts
(make sure to sit them in order) and have
them stand up when their
number is called).
Then reverse the song and start
with ten, and
have them stand up;
then sit down when their number is called.
Special Valentine
Look at all these valentines;
I made one for each friend.
I'll put them in some envelopes,
So each one I can send.
How many valentines do you see?
Start to count them now with me.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
One for ______(name of child)
One for ______
One for ______, too.
One for ______
And here is one for YOU! (Point to child)
Repeat until each child's name is mentioned.
Valentine Lace
Last night my yard
Was decked in lace
Delicate, feathery, snowflake lace.
Each open space
In the cypress trees,
Each snowlined place
On the white birch bough
Forms a finely stenciled doily now.
If a crimson cardinal
Should light in the row
Of sunflecked trees
Fluffed up with snow,
I'd have a valentine,
Splendid, bright,
Gracefully traced in red and white.
Valentine Number Line
(Make a number line on your
floor for kids
to count and walk on. Then make each
of the hearts
and glue to a popsicle stick).
Seven little valentines sitting on a shelf.
The first little valentine looked like an elf.
The second little valentine wore a clown's face.
The third little valentine looked lovely in lace.
The fourth little valentine said, "Tonight we say
The fifth little valentine started to cry.
The sixth little valentine said, "Won't you be mine?"
The seventh little valentine said, "I'll be your
Valentine Fingerplay
Let's count valentines
One, two, three
Let's count valentines
All for me!
Let's count valentines
Four, five, six
Let's count valentines
Match and mix
Let's count valentines
Seven, eight, nine
Let's count valentines
I'm glad you're mine.
Hearts Everywhere
Hearts on the cake
Hearts on the box
Hearts on the shoes
Hearts on the socks
Hearts on the table
Hearts on the chair
Hearts on the wall
Hearts everywhere!
Hearts are everywhere this time
of year!
Encourage your children to
point out those he/she sees.
To My Valentine
If apples were pears,
And peaches were plums.
And the rose had a different name;
If tigers were bears,
And fingers were thumbs,
I'd love you just the same.
Will You Be My Valentine
(Sung to the tune of: "Mulberry Bush")
Child sings, walks around the group
and hands a child a
Who will be my valentine,
valentine, valentine
Who will be my valentine,
On Valentine's Day?
Chosen child sings.
I will be your valentine,
valentine, valentine.
I will be your valentine
On Valentine's Day.
Group sings.
(Child's name) will
be (his/her) valentine, valentine, valentine.
(Child's name) will be (his/her) valentine
On Valentine's Day.
Child named will then continue
the game.
I'm A Valentine for You
(Sung to the tune of: "She'll Be Coming Round the
I'm a teeny tiny valentine for you, (squeaky voice)
I'm a teeny tiny valentine for you.
I'm a teeny tine valentine,
I'm always yours, will you be mine?
I'm a teeny tiny valentine for you.
I'm a medium size valentine for you, (normal voice)
I'm a medium size valentine for you.
I'm a medium size valentine,
I'm not too big and that's just fine.
I'm a medium size valentine for you.
I'm a great big valentine for you, (loud gruff voice)
I'm a great big valentine for you.
I'm a great big valentine,
I will love you all the time.
I'm a great big valentine for you.
Hearts on the Move
Provide each child with a construction paper heart.
Then have your
youngsters sing the song below and follow the directions given.
(Sung to the tune of: "He's Got the Whole World in
His Hands")
Wave your valentine
In the air.
Wave your valentine
In the air.
Wave your valentine
In the air.
Wave your valentine in the air.
Trade a valentine
With a friend.
Trade a valentine
With a friend.
Trade a valentine
With a friend.
Trade a valentine with a friend.
Put your valentine
On your (nose).
Put your valentine
On your (nose).
Put your valentine
On your (nose),
Put your valentine on your (nose).
Repeat the last verse, replacing the underlined word
with other
body part words in turn, such as head, arm, and foot.
Five Pretty Valentines
Five pretty Valentines from the dollar store.
I sent one to mother, now there are four.
Four pretty valentines, pretty ones to see.
I gave one to brother, now there are three.
Three pretty valentines, yellow, red and blue.
I gave one to sister, now there are two.
Two pretty valentines, my we have fun.
I gave one to Daddy, now there is one.
One pretty valentine, the story is almost done.
I gave one to baby, now there is none.
Five pretty valentines waiting at the store,
(Put in a child's name) bought one and then there were four.
Four pretty valentines shaped just like a "V"
(________) bought one and then there were three.
Three pretty valentines said, "I love you."
(________) bought one and then there were two.
Two pretty valentines - this was so much fun!
(________) bought one and then there was one.
One pretty valentine sitting on a shelf.
I felt sorry for it, so I bought it for myself.
One little valentine said, "I love
Tommy made another; then there were two
Two little valentines, one for me;
Mary made another; then there were three.
Three little valentines said, "We need more."
Johnny made another; then there were four
Four little valentines, one more to arrive;
Susan made another; then there were five.
Five little valentines, all ready to say.
"Be my valentine on this happy day."
Be My Valentine
Do you know what this is?
thumbs and forefingers together to make a heart shape)
Yes, a heart. Pretend it's mine.
(Point to self)
I'll put it on paper, And make a valentine.
(Make a heart again and pretend to put it on an
imaginary piece
of paper in front of you)
Into an envelope it will go,
(Pretend to grasp paper in one hand and slide it into
envelope held in fingers of the other hand)
With address written clear.
(Pretend to write the address with imaginary pen)
Soon you'll pull it out and read;
(Reverse pantomime for
placing letter in envelope)
"To my valentine so dear."
(Pretend to hold up a
valentine and read its message)
That's you!
(Point to someone)
My Valentine Heart
When I say I love you
to lips)
It comes from my heart
on heart)
You hear it in your ear
to ear)
And it sounds very smart
to head)
I love it when you're proud of me
very tall)
You say it all day long
arms wide)
And when I hear you say it
to ear)
My heart sings a merry song
on heart)
Valentine Friends
Recite the poem below and let the
children act out the movements described.
Five little valentines,
So bright and gay,
Were waiting to be given
On Valentine's Day.
And just when they thought
That their wait would never end,
Each found a way
To make a special friend.
The first little valentine,
Lacy and pink,
Told someone "I like you"
With a great big wink.
(Wink eye)
The second little valentine,
Painted white and red,
Told someone "I like you"
With a pat on the head.
(Make patting motion)
The third little valentine,
A flowery miss,
Told someone "I like you"
With a great big kiss.
(Blow a kiss)
The fourth little valentine
Cried, "Take me, take me, please!"
And told someone "I like you"
With a great big squeeze.
(Make hugging motion)
The fifth little valentine,
The last one in the pile,
Told someone I like you"
With a great big smile.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!