Valentine's Day Literature Ideas
Valentine Book
Purchase an inexpensive set
of children's valentines. Cover the front
and back of each
valentine with clear self stick paper, leaving a 1/2 inch
around the edges. Use a hole punch to punch a hole in the
left hand corner of each valentine. For reinforcement,
attach small squares
of self stick paper over the holes and repunch them. Fasten the valentines together
with a metal
ring. Then set out the valentine book and let the children
have fun "reading" it.
Love Book
Make a group book using red, pink,
white, and lavender construction paper pages
cut into heart
shapes. Ask the children to think about people (or pets)
they love.
Have each child dictate an ending for this
sentence: "I love _______" Print
child's completed sentence on a separate heart shaped page and let
child add an illustration with crayons or felt tip
markers. Cover the pages with
clear self stick paper.
Then fasten them together by punching holes in the upper
left hand
corners and inserting a metal ring or a loop of yarn. Let
the children "read"
their pages to one another before
placing the love book in the book corner.
~ Suggested Literature ~
Valentine Bears
by Eve Bunting
"Teeny Witch and The Perfect Valentine"
by Liz Matthews
"Valentine Cat"
by Clyde Robert Bulla
"Be My Valentine"
by Charles M. Schulz
"Love Is A Special Way of
Feeling" by Joan Walsh
"How Spider Saved Valentine's Day"
by Robert Kraus
"Valentine Friends"
by Ann Schweninger
"Valentine Poems"
by Myra Cohn Livingston
"Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch
"I Love You, Mouse"
by John Graham
"Guess How Much I Love You"
by Sam McBratney
"Love and Kisses"
by Sarah Wilson
"Dinofours: It's Valentine's Day"
by Steve Metzger
"Froggy's First Kiss"
by Jonathan London
"Winnie the Pooh and Valentine's, Too"
by Lisa Alexander
"My Love For You"
by Susan L. Roth
"The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn
"Bee My Valentine"
by Miriam Cohen
"A Kiss is Round"
by Blossom Budney
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!