Valentine's Day Large Motor Ideas
Hearty Workout
Have the children pair up; then ask a volunteer to select a
motion - such
as twirling, hopping, or dancing- to accompany the
following song:
(Sung to the tune of: "Do You Know The Muffin
Oh, Valentine, come (dance) with me,
(Dance) with me, (dance) with me.
Oh, Valentine, come (dance) with me,
We'll (dance) and then we'll stop!
After a few rounds, have children put their hands over their
As they feel the pounding in their chests, explain
that exercise
provides a workout for the heart, making it healthy
and strong.
Love Is In the Air Relay
To begin, divide your class into teams and line up each team
a child sized chair. Place a supply of small tissue
paper hearts on
the seat of each chair. At the start signal,
the first child in each line
runs to the chair and then, in a
single breath, blows as many hearts
as he/she can off the
chair. That child runs back to the next child
in line and
tags him/her. The relay continues in this manner until all
of the hearts have been blown off the chairs. On your mark,
get set, blow!
Heart Hop
Cut heart shapes out of
construction paper and tape them to the floor.
Then put on
some music and invite your child to hop like a bunny from
heart to another or let them hop as you sing the song below:
(Sung to the tune of: "The
Mulberry Bush")
Here we go hopping around the room,
Round the room, round the room.
Here we go hopping around the room,
On St. Valentine's Day!
Heart Exercises
Make exercise cards by cutting five
to ten heart shapes out of index cards
or poster board. Number the
cards in numerical order. On each card print
the name of an
exercise that is good for the heart. Some examples
would be
toe-touches, somersaults, arm circles, jumping jacks, and
in place. Have the children stand in an open area. As
you hold
up each card, call out the exercise and the number on it
have the children do the exercise that number of times.
Sweetheart Dance
Cut large heart shapes out of red,
yellow, and blue construction paper.
Give each child one
heart and have the children stand in a circle.
Then sing the
song below and have the children follow the directions.
(Sung to the tune of: "Skip
to My Lou")
Red hearts, red hearts, take a bow.
Yellow hearts, yellow hearts, take a bow.
Blue hearts, Blue hearts, take a bow.
Now all the hearts jump up right now.
Yellow hearts, yellow hearts, touch
the ground.
Blue hearts, blue hearts, touch the ground.
Red hearts, red hearts, touch the ground.
Now all the hearts turn round and round.
Blue hearts, blue hearts, sit right
Red hearts, red hearts, sit right down.
Yellow hearts, yellow hearts, sit down.
Now all stand and run to town.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!