Super Bowl Misc. Ideas & Links
Super Bowl Predictions

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Create a simple way to display your students Super Bowl predictions.
Leave them up till the following Monday and discuss who predicted correctly.
Give everyone a prize (even those whose team did not win)... I have given out
football erasers, candy, or small stuffed footballs from Oriental Trading.
Team Spirit
In the beginning of the week, send a note home to parents that on the Friday
before Super Bowl
Sunday, each child should wear their fav. football teams colors and/or
jerseys if they have them.
Football Photo Frame
Cut football shapes from brown foam and attach a magnet to the backs.
Take pic of each child wearing either a football jersey or a cheerleading
Print the pics and place them in a football from for each chile.
Referee Teacher
Dress as a referee with a striped shirt and white pants. Wear a
and stop watch around your neck and carry a yellow flag in your pocket.
Football Pinata

You can purchase a football
shaped pinata or have the
children assist you in making one.
Fun Theme Pages are for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own
They are shared from friends and fellow
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!