Super Bowl Large Motor Ideas
Football Toss / Kick

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Create a goal post by using several empty Christmas wrapping paper tubes,
masking tape,
and a Pringles chip can with a little bit of sand/rocks. See photo above.
If weather permits,
take this outdoors and let the children practice throwing and kicking a football
through the goal post.

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Give the children pom poms and let them jump around doing
different stunts and cheers. Teach them a simple cheer beforehand.
Indoor Football Game

(Photo submitted by Shell)
As you can see in the above photo, our floor was tiled green and white
during our Super Bowl party, we pretended the stripes were the yard lines on the
football field
and played a gentle version of football indoors and we used our goal post as
seen in the top pic.
It's usually too cold to go outdoors during this time so we had to make due
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