Make a telescope
from paper towel tube. Cover with paper and decorate with markers.
Make binoculars using 2 toilet paper tubes stapled together and decorated.
Pirate Boats
will need a clear balloon and a small toy ship.
Put a toy ship through the opening of the balloon (this is going to require some
adult assistance.
Add about 1 cup to 2 cups of water (depending on the size of your balloon) into
the balloon
(you might want to use a funnel... you can make one by making a cone out of
Blow up the balloon and knot it. Set your balloon on a holder (margarine or
yogurt containers
work well depending on the size of the balloon). You can paint your holder for
a nicer look or
cover it with construction paper. Make little pirate boats out of a 1/2 a
walnut shell. Insert
Plasticine in the bottom. Then attach a toothpick with a little paper sail.
You can have pirate ship races.
Pirate Flags
Take small white plastic kitchen bags and cut out squares.
Staple black construction paper cross bones and "skull" to them. Staple to
kitchen straws
Treasure Chests

(Photo submitted by Donna M.)
Provide each child with a shoebox. Give them scissors and glue and assorted
materials for them to make a treasure chest for themselves.
(foil wrap, buttons, ribbon, pearls, wrapping paper, beads, etc)
a bunch of plain wooden treasure boxes at an unfinished furniture store.
Then paint them with assorted colors of acrylic paint. When the children
arrive, give each
child a box to decorate with glitter glue and plastic jewels from a craft
supply store.
Buy simple wooden boxes that can be found at Wal-Mart or craft
let the children paint them and add pirate coins to each box.
Collect lots of rocks. Paint the rocks gold. Hide the "gold" in the
sand table or outside. A variation would be to paint the rocks with white glue
mixed with powder paint. Then stick on sequins and glitter.
Large Pirate Ship
made a big pirate ship out of an appliance box. We made a flag with a skull and
bones and we made eye patches and spy glasses for all of the children to use.
We also
found some cheep pirate hats at a party supply store. The children loved it.
You can really
let your imagination go wild with this. Oatmeal containers can become cannons,
a bike tire
can be the wheel for the ship etc. Have fun...the children sure will.
Pirate Costume
patches and red tissue paper for the bandana. For the eye patches
cut out an egg carton cup paint it black and tie two pieces of yarn to it.
For the bandana. cut a big triangle and tie it around the child neck with
the tissue paper or add glue to it and add a yarn or stronger strip of paper.
For the hat make a boat shape out of newspaper. and
let the kids paint it black and paint on the skull white.
Treasure Map of Jewels
got a treasure chest pattern from Mailbox mag and copied it onto brown
paper for the kids to cut out and then attach self adhesive jewels from
Oriental trading.
Draw Your Own Pirate Treasure Map

(Photo submitted by Missy)
Give each child a paper lunch sack. Show them how to
tear it into a square. (You may have
to do the tearing beforehand for smaller children.) After showing
the children a pirate treasure map,
let them create their own treasure map onto the torn paper lunch sack
using markers or crayons.
Pirate Hooks for Hands
Make hooks for hands by taking a Styrofoam cup. Draw a hook on cardboard, cut
it out and insert
it in the bottom of the cup. The kids then insert there hand and it looks like
a Pirate's Hook Hand.
Eye Patches
Make eye patches out of black foam and elastic bands.
Buccaneer Hats
Materials Needed for 12 hats:
1 pkg. or 12 sheets 20x30 inch black
tissue paper
12 marabou feathers
12 gold seals
For each hat, fold a sheet of tissue into
a 20x15 inch rectangle.
Now fold the rectangle into a 10x15 inch rec., with the major fold at the top.
Fold the corners of each top side down 7 inches and crease.
There should be about a 1 inch space at the top. Fold bottom on each side up
1-1/2 inches.
Crease. Fold up 1-1/2 inches again and crease. Turn hat over and repeat on the
other side.
Staple hat together at edges. On the right side of hat, slightly off center,
staple a feather behind the cuff or brim. Stick a gold seal over the staple.
Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own
They are shared
from friends and fellow
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!