Ocean Misc. Ideas & Links
Parent Communication

(Photo submitted by Shell)
I bought this from the local teacher
store... laminated it and use it to post
all my parent notes/reminders on the classroom door during ocean week.
A Sea Search
You'll want your youngsters to realize that there are other fish in the
sea besides their teachers and classmates. Prepare a sea search that
will introduce them to additional school faces and will also yield ocean
treasures for your classroom. In advance, arrange for people in your
school to have sea gifts to give to your group. For example, provide
sea creature shapes cut from craft foam for your water table, plastic
ocean creatures for your water and sand center, or traditional sand
toys such as molds and sieves for an outdoor sand area. Then take
students on a tour around your school. As you make each stop and
meet each new person, collect the classroom gifts. "Sea," our school is
an exciting place to be.
Field Trip Ideas
Find a seafood market in your area that has a
variety of whole
seafood, such as octopus, squid, shrimp, lobsters, mussels,
clams, or crab. If they're alive, all the better.
Children can
make drawings of what they see. Ask the market manager
to talk to the children about where the seafood comes from,
when was the seafood caught and how, and what kind of seafood
people seem to like the most.
If going to a seafood market is out of the
here are some other fun ideas...
Bring in a whole crab or lobster for the
children to examine in the classroom.
Visit an aquarium.
Or ask a marine biologist to visit the class.
Hermit Crabs
Hermit crabs are popular pets. They are
inexpensive, can be touched by young children,
and are fun to watch. Purchase a hermit crab for your classroom -
just make sure
that you purchase an extra shell. Every time they grow they need a
new shell.
Helper Chart & Door

(Photo submitted by Shell)
I use the fish from our door display below to create our helper
display. Each morning
I assign new jobs for the students by taking four fish from the door and
them to the splashes of water above that have a classroom
job written on it.

(Photo submitted by Shell)
I added this display to our closet door near the
main door at the beginning of the school year.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are non-profit & for educational reference
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group members.
Some ideas found have been compiled from groups through the yrs.
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!
