Halloween Misc. Ideas & Links
Halloween T-Shirts

(Photo submitted by Nanette)
Have the children help make matching t-shirts
that they can wear when
going on a field trip to the local pumpkin patch. Don't forget to
take a class photo
together while you are there visiting the pumpkin patch with your matching
shirts on.
Below is the back of the teacher's t-shirt. The lil' ghosts
are handprints of each child in class.

(Photos submitted by Nanette)
Orange Day

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Host an "Orange" day... have all the children
wear orange clothing
and bring one item from home for Show and Tell that is orange.
~ Costume Ideas ~
Paper Bag Wig
User large paper bag that fits over head. Cut a
large rectangle from front section
of bag for face. Fringe bottom of bag. Curl fringe by rolling
tight around a pencil.
Paper Bag Costumes
Materials Needed:
large paper bag
crayons or felt tip markers
paper cup
piece of paper
cellophane tape
Before you begin,
have your child put the paper bag over his head. With a crayon,
carefully mark where the two eye holes should be. Help cut out
the two holes for
eyes. Encourage the children to use crayons or markers to draw
a face.
Use a paper cup attached with cellophane tape for a nose.
Paper strips that have been fringed or curled can be glued on
for hair.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!