Halloween Flannel Board Ideas

Flannel Board Halloween Candy
Cut candy shapes from different colors of flannel to create candy
flannel board pcs.
Encourage the children to count the candy pcs. and sort them by
type, color, or size.
Ten Little Pumpkins
Cut out ten pumpkin shapes
out of orange felt and place them on a flannel board.
Remove the shapes one at a time as you read the following poem:
(FREE Printout on left side of page)
Ten little pumpkins
All in a line
One became a jack-o-lantern
Then there were nine.
Nine little pumpkins
Peeking through the gate
An old witch took one
Then there were eight.
Eight little pumpkins
There never were eleven
A green goblin took one
And then there were seven.
Seven little pumpkins
Full of jolly tricks
A white ghost took one
Then there were six.
Six little pumpkins
Glad to be alive
A black cat took one
Then there were five.
Five little pumpkins
By the barn door
A hoot owl took one,
Then there were four.
Four little pumpkins
As you can plainly see
One become a pumpkin pie
Then there were three.
Three little pumpkins
Feeling very blue
One rolled far away
Then there were two.
Two little pumpkins
Alone in the sun
One said, "So long,"
And then there was one.
One little pumpkin
Left all alone
A little boy chose him
Then there were none.
Ten little pumpkins
In a patch so green.
Made everybody happy
On Halloween.
Halloween Shapes
Cut different Halloween shapes such as bat, black cat,
pumpkin, ghost, etc.
from felt. Have the children sort the felt pieces by shape, color,
or size.
Flannel Board Tip
You can print out your desired pc. on paper and add sticky back
felt to the back side of your print out.
For example, the pumpkins printable at the top of the page... print...
laminate... then add sticky back felt.