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Halloween Dramatic Play Ideas


Halloween Pantomime

Move as if you are:
Carrying a great big pumpkin.
A witch combing her long, stringy hair.
A little baby ghost.
Putting on your Halloween costume.
Carving a little tiny pumpkin.
Going up and down a porch's steps trick or treating.
Jumping up to say Boo-oo-oo.
A big black cat.

Paper Bag Wig

Use large paper bag that fits over head.
Cut a large rectangle from front section of bag for face.
Fringe bottom of bag.
Curl fringe by rolling tight around a pencil.

Black Cat Drama

Materials Needed:
pictures of black cats

Children pretend they are black cats: creeping, sneaking along,
 walking on a fence ,playing with a ball of wool, etc.

Paper Bag Puppets

Give each child a paper bag, coloring materials...
and let them be creative in decorating the bags into puppets!

Paper Bag Costumes

Materials Needed:
large paper bag
crayons or felt tip markers
paper cup
piece of paper
cellophane tape

Before you begin, have your child put the paper bag over his head. 
With a crayon, carefully mark where the two eye holes should be. 
Help cut out the two holes for eyes.  Encourage the children to use
crayons or markers to draw  a face.  Use a paper cup attached with
cellophane tape for a nose.  Paper strips that have
been fringed or curled can be glued on for hair.

Pretend to be a Spider 

Have the children pretend to be a spider. 

Pretend to be a Witch 

Provide your children with brooms, stuffed black cats, hats, and a box
 for a brew bowl. Allow the children to have fun pretending to be a witch. 

Halloween Dress Up 

Supply your children with costumes to dress up in. Have them dress up,
 then ask them what they are. Some examples are dresses, side heeled
 shoes, scarves, plastic hats, sports jackets, and children's costumes. 

Go Trick or Treating 

Create an imaginary neighborhood for your children to trick or treat in.
 Have them go around from house to house (pretend) and practice
trick or treating. You can use boxes for the houses, or tape on the floor.

Pumpkin Puppets 

Each child should cut out a pumpkin shape from orange construction paper.
 Then either cut out facial features, or color them on with a black crayon.
Paste to the bottom of a paper lunch bag. Then add a green construction paper stem.

Halloween Faces

Facial expressions can reveal feelings to others.  Encourage children to make
 faces in front of a mirror that suggests feelings and appearances related
to Halloween.  Examples are spooky, scary, ugly, sad, happy, and angry.



Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are for educational reference only! 
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.  
They are shared from friends and fellow group members.  
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!


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