Dr. Seuss Language Ideas

Flash Card
Rhyming Fun
During circle time
you could have flash cards with a word on them and
see if the children can think of a word that rhymes with that
particular word.
Cat in the Hat
Rhyming Bow Tie
How about making and
decorating a bow tie like the one that is used by
the cat and the hat? Maybe paste rhyming pictures on it. Like a
hat on
one side and a cat on the other side.
Rhyming Words
Dr. Seuss books are
great for teaching about rhyming words. I often read it
through first, then we read it a second time. I ask the kids to
raise their
hands if they hear rhyming words.
Make Up Words
or Rhyme Words
Encourage the
children to make up their own rhyming words.
Green Eggs &
Ham Class Book
Encourage each child
to complete the following sentence.
"I do not like green eggs in ham but I like ______"
Dictate each child's response onto a piece of paper and let them
draw a picture of what they do like.
Think Green
Cut a class supply of fried egg shapes from 12"
x 18" sheets of white construction paper...
plus one extra. Mark each egg to indicate the top.
Display a sheet of chart paper titled,
"How Do You Like Green Eggs?" As a class, write pairs of
rhyming sentences with the
childrens names. After each child's name is featured, read
the sentences and underline
the rhyming word. Next, type the sentences and cut them apart.
Have each child to glue
their sentence on an egg and illustrate the page. Embellish the last
egg... green oval at top of fried
egg shape... to create the egg. That will be the cover... and then
bind the pages (children's pages) behind it.
Ex.) Austin likes them
in a car.
Megan likes them in a jar.
Madalyn likes them on a log.
Ethan likes them with a dog.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!