Dinosaur Bulletin Board Ideas
Dinosaur Days
Turn your classroom into a prehistoric land with
this cooperative bulletin board mural.
Divide a long piece of butcher paper into land and sky areas.
The children
can paint these areas with large house painting
brushes or small rollers.
The children can dip cotton balls
in glue and attach them in large clusters to
make clouds.
Cut brown wrapping paper or grocery bags into strips. Have the children
twist them to make vines and tree trunks. Staple to the background.
Trace simple oval leaves onto different shades of green
construction paper for
children to cut out and add to the mural.
Give the children large precut dinosaur shapes. Have them paint the
dinosaurs at the easel one day, finger paint or sponge paint them
another day,
and coat them with liquid starch and cover with squares of tissue
paper for a scaly appearance another day. Add the dinosaurs to your
Kidasaurus Tracks
After painting the bottoms of children's feet, Have them walk all over a large
sheet of paper. Once it's dry, Write the caption " Kidasaurus Tracks"
on top of the paper. Write children's names near their footprints
like "Bobbyasaurus" or
Our Dino Board 2004

submitted by Shell)
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!