Dental Hygiene Math Ideas
Counting Marshmallow Teeth

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Cut out and laminate one pair of pink/red lips
per child. Give the child 20 miniature
marshmallows to count out and place ten under the top lip and the
other ten
above the bottom lip. Afterwards, they can eat the yummy marshmallow
Toothpaste Taste Test
Take a toothpaste taste test and graph the results. Have the kids bring in empty
boxes of toothpaste and sort them and graph how many of each kind
were brought in.
How Many Teeth
Have the children try to find out how many teeth they have as
(as opposed to what they will have as adults). I have
them look into a friend's mouth and
count teeth--or places where
teeth have been!! This could be done individually with mirrors.
Number Matching
Photocopy tooth shapes. Put specific dots on the teeth and have
match the dots to a number. Use a sentence strip and have 10 ten
teeth lined
up with corresponding numbers. Children then match the teeth.
Toothbrush / Cavity Number Matching

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Precut teeth patterns from white paper. Add "cavities" to
each tooth.
Using a popsicle stick and scrap white paper, make toothbrushes.
Add a number to each toothbrush and encourage the children to
the numbered toothbrush to the corresponding tooth (cavities).
Toothpaste Flavor Graphing
Graph the children's favorite toothpaste flavors - mint, bubble gum or
Toothbrush Color Graphing
Graph colors of the students' toothbrushes
HERE for printable)
~ or ~
Give each
child a blank index card. Ask him to draw the outline of a
on a
card. Encourage each child to take the card home, color it to
resemble his
toothbrush, and bring it back to school the next day. Use the
cards to create
a graph according to toothbrush color. Then discuss what the graph
Tooth Loss Graph
Be sure to create an ongoing graph of those children who
have lost
Allow them to write their names in the correct column
As they
lose additional teeth, allow them to add their name to the
Graph who has been to the
dentist and who hasn't.
Red Lips
out red smiles from construction paper & have the children sponge paint
10 upper teeth &
10 lower teeth. Cut sponges in little squares & attach
to a
clothespin. It is a nice one-to-one correspondence activity.
Tooth Fairy Shape Match Clip Cards

(Photo submitted by Shell)
I came across this activity on the
MakingLearningFun website.
She has a lot of wonderful activities and printables on her
site... be sure to check it out!!
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!