Dental Hygiene Game Ideas
Whose Smile Is Whose
Take close up pictures of each child's smile.
Then hang
them up and see if they
can guess whose smile is whose. (Photo submitted by
Nanette) |
1, 2, 3... Brush
Seat the children in a circle and encourage them
to assist you in counting aloud as they pass around
a toothbrush. When you reach a predetermined number, invite the
child holding the toothbrush
to pretend to brush his/her teeth. Then begin counting and passing
for another round of play.
Pass The Toothpaste
Sit in a circle and pass the toothpaste
around, when the music stops whoever
is holding the toothpaste has
to go sit in the cookie jar! (the center of the circle)!!
Dental Bingo
Make up a bingo game with good and bad things for your teeth.
Dental Item Match
Trace around a toothpaste tube, tooth brush, cup, dental floss
and anything
else that has to with dental on to construction paper and cut out.
trace the same shapes on a file folder to create a fun matching game.
Find the Toothbrushes
Play "Find the Toothbrushes" Hide poster cutouts of
toothbrushes around room.
You can
also trace various dental instruments onto bulletin board paper
then hide the pictures around the room. As the children find them they can
attach tape to the back and place it in the appropriate outline.
Discuss these as they are found.
Brushing Teeth Game
Divide children into two groups. Have one
group stand side by side in a line to represent the top
row of teeth. Have the other group kneel in front of the standing
group to represent the bottom row
of teeth. Use a clean household broom to gently "brush" the
"teeth." As you brush, point out that
you should always brush away from the gums. Explain that brushing
keeps the food particles from getting
under the gum and causing diseases. If desired, you can then use a
piece of rope to "floss" between the "teeth."
Find the Healthy Teeth
Precut several tooth cutouts from white construction paper.
(Click HERE for tooth pattern.)
On some of the teeth, use a brown marker or crayon to draw cavities.
Mix the healthy and
unhealthy teeth together. Encourage your child to sort the teeth to
find all the ones that are healthy.
Dental Hygiene Board Game

(Photo submitted by Shell)
I colored in the above Newbridge File Folder Game for my kids to
they love any type of board game. You could even draw up
your own board game
for any theme. If child lands on tooth pic, they move one space; if
child lands on
candy or lollipop, they lose a turn; if they land on toothpaste, they move
two spaces;
floss, they move 4 spaces, and if they land on the toothbrush, they move
up one space.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!