Dental Hygiene Fine Motor Ideas

(Photo submitted by Shell)
Lacing Tooth Cards
Practice eye/hand coordination with lacing boards cut from a tooth
shape pattern. Click
HERE for Pre-K
Fun Tooth Lace Card printable.
Healthy Food Collage
Let the children cut healthy food pics from magazines and
glue onto a paper plate to create a healthy food collage.
Practice Brushing & Flossing
To practice the dental health skills of brushing
and flossing, provide a clean empty egg carton,
an unused
toothbrush, and some narrow ribbon. Turn the egg carton over
so that the sections
stick up on top. Explain that the egg
carton sections represent teeth. Encourage the child
to use
the toothbrush and ribbon to practice brushing and flossing the
egg carton teeth.
Contact Paper Tooth Brushing
Cover a large construction paper tooth with clear contact paper.
Let the
color it with a dry easer marker, then brush it off with
a large
hard toothbrush.
Healthy Smile Collage
Create a cut and paste healthy
smile collage. Precut some
smiles from magazines and
then let the children cut more
(Photo submitted by Shell)
Plaster of Paris Tooth Brushing
. Pour plaster of paris into and ice cube tray and let the mold
Pop the cubes/teeth out. Then take the cubes and put them in a
half circle
onto the table. Let the kids practice brushing the teeth
with a toothbrush.
Soda Bottle Teeth
the bottoms off of 2 liter plastic soda bottles and turn them upside
down - they look like teeth! Secure a dozen or so together.
Spray them
with shaving cream and give the kids toothbrushes to brush the
teeth clean.
Playdoh Gum Line
Using pink play dough, have the children form a `U'
shaped gum line. Allow
to press navy beans into dough for teeth. Allow to dry.
proper brushing.
Cut out a tooth shape and cover with various white
materials...i.e. rice,
cotton balls, white puff cereal, etc.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!