Butterfly Songs, Poems, & Fingerplays
ABC Butterfly
I found a butterfly on me!
She started out in a very small way.
An egg smaller than my toe!
Next a caterpillar she would be.
In a chrysalis is where she'd lie.
That's how my butterfly came to be!
Caterpillar, Caterpillar
(Sung to the tune of
"Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear")
Caterpillar, caterpillar
(arms up high)
Turn around. (turn around)
Caterpillar, caterpillar (all fall down)
slither on the ground. (wiggle on the floor)
Caterpillar, caterpillar (stand up)
Spin a co-coon. (twirl around)
Caterpillar, caterpillar (sit down)
Sleep until noon. (pretend to sleep)
(Sung to the tune of:
"She'll Be Coming Round the Mountain")
There's a tiny caterpillar on
a leaf, wriggle, wriggle!
There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf, wriggle, wriggle!
There's a tiny caterpillar
A tiny caterpillar
There's a tiny caterpillar on a leaf, wriggle, wriggle!
There's a hungry caterpillar on a leaf, munch, munch! etc.
There's a shiny chrysalis on a leaf, shh, shh! etc.
There's a lovely butterfly flying high, flutter, flutter!
We add appropriate actions, of course.
It goes very well with The Very Hungry Caterpillar story (Eric Carle).
Once I Saw A Butterfly
Before teaching this
tune to your children, die-cut a construction
paper butterfly for each child. Laminate the butterflies and then
a length of pipe cleaner to the back of each one. Twist each pipe
cleaner to
form a ring small enough to fit on a child's finger. Invite each
child to slip a
butterfly onto her finger and then use the butterfly to act out the
following song.
(Sung to the tune of:
"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star")
Once I saw a butterfly
Dancing in the clear blue sky.
Through the meadow he would go,
Flying high and flying low.
Once I saw a butterfly
Dancing in the clear blue sky.
Fuzzy Wuzzy Caterpillar
Fuzzy Wuzzy caterpillar
crawls along the ground.
Eating lots of grass and leaves,
He soon grows big and round!
He builds a house around himself.
Now can you tell me why?
'Cause soon you'll see him turn into
A pretty butterfly.
Fuzzy Caterpillar
(Sung to the
tune of: "Itsy Bitsy Spider")
The fuzzy
Curled up on a leaf,
Spun her little chrysalis
And then fell fast asleep.
While she was sleeping
She dreamed that she could fly,
And later when she woke up
She was a butterfly!

Pretty Butterfly
(Sung to the tune of:
"Up On The Housetop")
First comes a butterfly
Who lays an egg,
Out comes a caterpillar
With many legs,
Oh, see the caterpillar
Spin and spin
A little chrysalis to sleep in.
Oh, oh, oh, look and see,
Oh, oh, oh, look and see.
Out of the chrysalis, my oh, my,
Out comes a pretty butterfly!
Life of a Butterfly
(Sung to the
tune of: "Skip to My Lou")
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
I'm a caterpillar, wiggle with me,
What'll I be my darlin'?
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
A chrysalis, now sleep like me,
What'll I be my darlin'?
A butterfly, come fly with me,
A butterfly, come fly with me,
A butterfly, come fly with me,
What'll I be my darlin'?
Now all together,
let's do all three!
A caterpillar, a chrysalis, a butterfly, three!
Move your body like this with me,
The life of a butterfly, darlin'!

Little Caterpillars
5 little caterpillars munching on a leaf
1 little caterpillar takes a little sleep
This little caterpillar wakes up with a cry
I'm not a little caterpillar I'm a great big butterfly.
4 little caterpillars munch the leaf some more
1 little caterpillar soon begins to snore
This little caterpillar wakes up with a cry
I'm not a little caterpillar I'm a great big butterfly.
3 little caterpillars munching on their snack
1 little caterpillar takes a little nap
This little caterpillar wakes up with a cry
I'm not a little caterpillar I'm a great big butterfly.
2 little caterpillars munch the leaf and choose
1 little caterpillar to have a little snooze
This little caterpillar wakes up with a cry
I'm not a little caterpillar I'm a great big butterfly.
1 little caterpillar left upon the leaf
1 little caterpillar cries out with relief
I'm not a lucky caterpillar, if I had nodded off
I would not have been a butterfly I'd have been a bloomin' moth!
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!