Bunny Arts & Crafts Ideas
Paper Plate Rabbits
bunny rabbits from paper plates. Have each child
attach a small paper plate to a large paper
plate to
create the rabbit's body. Have the child tear two
long strips of white construction paper and attach
them to
the top of the small paper plate to make the rabbit's
ears. Offer crayons, markers, glue, and
cotton balls
and encourage the children to use their creativity as they
decorate their bunny rabbits.
Foot Bunnies
Trace the
outline of each child's foot with the shoe on. Cut
out 2 long ears from pink
construction paper. Glue the ear
shapes on the the heel part. Glue a cotton ball on
the toe
part and decorate with felt, markers, paint, and even pipe
cleaners for whiskers.
Bunny Ears
Trace large
bunny ears out of pink construction paper.
Let the children cut them
out and attach
to a band to fit child's head.
Bunny Card
Fold a piece of card in ˝ and
open out again. You can now see the fold line.
Draw a picture of a bunny on both parts of the card - the neck of the
should be on the fold. Make sure the ears are at least 1cm from the top
. Cut round the head carefully - possibly best with a craft knife . Press
head out then fold the top ˝ backwards along the line so that the card
stands up.
Lollipop Easter
Bunny Card
Fold a piece of card in ˝ .
Draw a rabbit on the front and color in. Stick on buttons or felt for
Make 2 slits between rabbits paws and thread lolly stick through the
slits. Write message inside.
Rabbit Mask
Materials Needed:
Paper plates, Cardboard, Cotton balls,
Pink or black paper (for nose and ears)
Cut out oval shapes from the cardboard for your bunny's
ears. Next cut out the nose from the colored paper. You
can also cut triangles of pink paper to make the inside of
the bunny's ear. Cut two holes in the paper plate for
Then paste on the ears, eyes and nose. Paste cotton
balls all over the face to make the bunny look soft.
Materials Needed:
Lt. Pop Bottle,
Wiggly Eyes,
Pom-pom or cotton ball
Take a
clear 2-lt. pop bottle take off the bottom support if
there is one. Cut the bottle in half so you remove
the opening. Next cut down on the bottle till there is about 3-4" left
which will be the body. Move left or right
about 4-5"and
cut down the same distance. Remove this
section that is loose. Go to the opposite side and
diagonally cut two pointed ears (don't cut them off).Cut out pink felt and glue on to the plastic ears.
Glue on eyes (wiggle or paper); pink triangle felt nose
(or paper) with little strips of white paper to
whiskers. Don't forget the cotton ball or white
pompom for the tail! Fill with Easter grass.
Make Easter baskets out of empty and cleaned pint milk
carton or plastic gallon
milk jugs.
Use cotton balls to decorate. Attach ears out of
construction paper.
Facial features can be cut from construction paper.
Make The White Rabbit
the kids to make the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. You can give
white balloons (4 long and 2 round), sticky tape, string, scissors, felt
pens, crepe paper,
cotton wool and card. See if they remember themselves that he has a
stopwatch and a waistcoat.
Carrot Painting
Cut several carrots lengthwise
and several crosswise for children to use as “stamps” on paper.
Ping-Pong Finger Puppet Bunny
Draw a
circle on your ping pong ball large enough to put your finger through.
Carefully make a small hole in the middle of this circle so that it fits
your finger.
Cut out two ear shapes which should be 1cm wide at the bottom. With a
paper knife
cut two 1cm slits in top of ball and insert ears. Draw in rabbits face
with felt-pens.
Make whiskers by threading 3 or 4 lengths of waxed thread through each
of the nose. Use a small ball of cotton wool for the tail at the back.
Bag Bunny
Fill a paper bag with crumpled
paper. Pull another bag of the same size over the top of the filled bag.
Tie the bags together with string, making sure to leave enough on top for
the bunny's head.
The tied area is the neck. Cut ears and feet from cardboard, cover with
colored construction paper and
glue into place. Paint the bunny. Add paper eyes and mouth, maybe a yarn
tie and a cute little cotton tail.

Peter Cotton Tail
Encourage the
children to paint a bunny.
Then glue on a cotton ball for the bunny's tail.
Peter Cotton Tail
Set out a
variety of pastel colored paints and
cotton balls for the
children to paint a bunny.
When finished, the can
glue cotton ball on
bunny for tail. |
Cotton Ball Bunny
Cover a
cardboard bunny shape with cotton balls and glue. Then add
construction paper pink ears. Glue on 2 buttons for eyes. Product: a fuzzy
cotton ball bunny. Though no two will look exactly alike, and some may
have unique additions like ribbon or paint, they are all bunnies using the
same basic directions and materials. The expectation is to make a bunny.
Cotton Ball Gluing
cotton balls, glue, buttons, cardboard or other materials on hand.
Child combines his choice of materials. Might make a bunny, a collage,
or something no one thought of before. The expectation is
to create using specific materials, with no planned outcome.
make bunny balloons by cutting out 2 long pink ears, and a large oval for
the feet.
We blow up a balloon and tie it. Then we poke a small hole into the
center of the oval.
Put the knotted end into the hole and tape it on the underside. You can
draw little
toes on the oval to make it look more like feet. Then tape the ears onto
balloon and draw on a face with perm. markers. These turn out really
Giant Painted Bunny
Take white
poster board and cut into two large oval shapes and then cut 2 ears, 4
paws and a tail.
Take each piece and have the children finger paint each piece whatever
color than choose.
Then when dry have the children paste felt eyes, nose, mouth and pipe
cleaner whiskers on.
Then assembling by gluing or pasting all the bunny together. May be a 2
day project.
Also cut to smaller ear pieces out of felt for the middle of the ears and
Then do a large oval felt piece for the tummy. For the tail Use a large
pom pom.
Bunny Candy Jars
Cut off
bottom of Styrofoam ball so it will stand. Glue the flat edge on to lid of
baby food jar
(a glue gun works best for this part). Bend 2 white pipe cleaners for
ears. Fill in center with
a pink pipe cleaner. Push pipe cleaners into ball for bunny's ears. Glue
on googly eyes,
pink felt nose, black pipe cleaner for whiskers, bend either a red or pink
pipe cleaner for
mouth, glue cotton ball to back (for tail). Fill jar with jelly beans,
chocolate eggs or other treats.
Bunny Mask I
2 paper plates for
each child
pink or black paper (for nose)
cotton balls
pipe cleaners
Cut two long thin ovals for ears out of one paper plate. Cut a small
pink or black triangle for the nose.
With the other plate, cut out the shape two oval eyes (you may wish to
do this for younger children
to assure that they can see out of the mask!) Glue or staple the ears
onto the plate. Glue cotton
balls onto the plate and ears for a fluffy bunny! Glue the pink/black
triangle onto the face of the bunny
for the nose. Glue on pipe cleaners for whiskers. Attach string or wool
to each
side of the mask with tape or stapler to tie on the mask.
Tip: Check out your local
dollar store for children's sunglasses. I pick them up throughout
the year and keep them for making masks....when the kids are finished
their masks.
I hot glue their mask to a pair of these sunglasses (minus the lenses) and
you have
a mask that they can easily remove and put on! No tying - no pinches from
the snapping elastic!
Bunny Mask II
Materials Needed:
paper plate
pink construction paper
pink and/or white pipe cleaners
Using the paper plate, cut out eyes and nose in the plate. Cut out
bunny ears from pink
paper and glue to the plate. Use pipe cleaners to make whiskers, attach to
plate by poking
through and knotting at back, or glue on. Use yarn to tie to either side
of plate to tie on head.
Rabbit Head Bands
Cut out a strap from
construction paper long enough to fit around child's head. Cut rabbit
using white and pink construction paper. Glue or staple onto the strap,
and make it into a head band.
Bunnies in the Grass
White Paper
Pom-poms or cotton balls
Have dck color a white sheet of paper all green (scribbling is just
perfect) that have them glue
on 10-15 1/2" pom poms or pieces of cotton balls - wa la you now have
"Baby Bunnies Hiding in the Grass!!"
Egg Carton Bunny
Have children decorate and
attach a bunny face to one end of the bottom half
of an egg carton and a cotton ball tail to the other end. Next, poke
a pipe cleaner through the sides of the carton to make a handle.
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!