Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
Bear, teddy bear, turn around. (turn around)
Teddy Bear, teddy bear, touch the ground. (touch
Teddy Bear, teddy bear, tie your shoes. (pretend to tie
Teddy Bear, teddy bear, read your news. (hold up
hands as if reading)
Teddy Bear, teddy bear, go upstairs. (lift knees
as you walk)
Teddy Bear, teddy bear, say your prayers. (fold
Teddy Bear, teddy bear, turn out the lights. (pretend
to turn of switch)
Teddy Bear, teddy bear, say good night. (fold hands
and lay down head)
Here Comes The Bear
Here Comes the Bear!
Here Comes the bear!
All you people beware!
down, down,
the stair,
Comes my lumpy-plumpety teddy bear!
Five Little Bears
One little bear, lonely and blue,
Met a good friend, then there were two.
Two little bears, happy as could be,
Another joined in and that made three
Three little bears, looking for more,
Came across another, that made four.
Four little bears headed to a hive,
Found a bear there and that made five.
Five little bears while the day is sunny,
Eating from a bee's hive sweet golden honey.
Five Little Bears
Five little bears little bears
were dancing on the floor
One fell down and that left four
Four little bears climbed up a tree
One found a bee hive that left three
Three little bears were wondering what to do
One chased a bunny rabbit that left two
Two little bears were looking for some fun
One took a swim that left one
One little bear sitting all alone
He looked all around and then ran home.
little bears....Counting Up
little bear
Wondering what to do
A long came another
Then there were 2.
2 little bears
Climbing up a tree
A long came another
Then there were 3.
3 little bears
Ate an apple core
A long came another
Then there were 4.
4 little bears
Found honey in a hive
A long came another
Then there were 5.
Little Bears......Counting Down
little bears
Heard a loud roar
one ran away
Then there were 4.
4 little bears
Climbing up a tree
one slid down
Then there were 3.
3 little bears
Deciding what to do
One fell asleep
Then there were 2.
2 little bears
Having lots of fun
One went home
Then there was 1.
1 little bear
Feeling all alone
Ran to his mother
Then there were none. |
You Are My Teddy Bear
(Sung to the tune
of: "You Are My Sunshine")
You are my teddy bear
My only teddy bear
You make me smile dear
You are my friend
You'll never know dear
How much I like you
I'm so glad you're my
Teddy Bear today.
A Special Bear
I am a special teddy bear.
You can hug me when your sad.
You can squeeze me when your mad.
You can sit me in your lap...
And together we can take a nap.
You'll always know I'm there.
Because I am your Special Bear!
This Little Bear
(Similar to: "This Little Piggy")
This little bear rides a red bike.
This little bear plays a kazoo.
This little bear rides a pony.
This little bear tries it too.
And this little bear shouts,
"Hooray for Circus Day
At the zoo-zoo-zoo!"
The Fuzzy Bear
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary Had A Little
I went to the zoo and saw,
Zoo and saw, zoo and saw
I went to the zoo and saw,
An animal that looked like you.
He was small and smart like you
Smart like you, smart like you.
He was small and smart like you,
but didn't go to school.
He was a fuzzy, wuzzy bear,
Fuzzy, wuzzy bear
Fuzzy, wuzzy bear,
He was a fuzzy, wuzz bear that
Lived at the zoo.
There Was An Old Bear
There was an old bear who lived down the hill.
If I'm not mistaken, he's living there still.
If you knock on his door, there under the tree,
He'll very politely ask you in for tea.

Teddy Bears
One fine day in the woods I saw
(hand over your eyes)
A bear in a honey tree licking his paw
(pretend to lick your hand)
A bee buzzed by
(use pointer finger to be the bee flying)
And what do you suppose?
(put your hands out to side as if to say you
have no idea)
The bee stung the bear on the tip of his nose
(fly bee to your nose)
(hands on hips)
Said the bear as he slid down the tree
(pretend to slide down the
I do like the honey but I don't like the bees.
(shaking your finger)
Let's Go On a Bear Hunt
Let's go on a Bear hunt,
All right! Let's go.
Open the door (slap thighs)
Oh look,
I see a wheat field! (Point)
Can't go around it, (shake head No)
Can't go under it, (shake head No)
Let's go through it. (spread wheat away with hands)
All right. Let's go.
Swish, swish, swish.
Oh look,
I see a tree! (Point)
Can't go over it, (shake head No)
Can't go under it, (shake head No)
Let's go up it. (climb up it hand over fist)
All right. Let's go.
Climb, climb, climb.
Oh look!
I see a swamp! (Point)
Can't go around it, (shake head No)
Can't go under it, (shake head No)
Let's swim through it. (swim)
All right. Let's go.
Swim, swim, swim.
Oh look!
I see a bridge! (Point)
Can't go around it, (shake head No)
Can't go under it, (shake head No)
Let's cross over it. (Stomp feet)
All right. Let's go.
March, march, march.
Oh look!
I see a cave! (Point)
Can't go around it, (shake head No)
Can't go under it, (shake head No)
Let's go in it.
All right. Let's go.
Golly--it's dark in here.
Better use my flashlight, (get it out of pocket)
Doesn't work.
I think--I feel something. (Reach out)
It's big. It's furry.
It's got a big nose. I think--it's a Bear!
(Reverse actions Hurry home)
Little Bear
(Sung to the tune of: "Frere Jacques")
Are you eating,
(Pretend to eat with paws.)
Are you eating,
(Hold hand down, palm flat.)
Little Bear?
Little Bear?
Eating nuts and berries,
For the long hard winter,
Little bear.
Little bear.
Bear Song
(Sung to the tune of: "A Sailor Went to Sea")
Let me sing you a song about a bear, bear, bear
He had nothing to wear, wear, wear.
So he did growl
With a great big scowl
And he grew himself a coat of hair.
Time for Sleeping
Now, its time for sleeping
The bears go in their caves
It Keeps them warm and cozy
Time for lazy days
When the snow is gone
& the sun comes out to play
The bears will wake up from their sleep
and then go on to play.
Bears Are Sleeping
(Sung to the tune of: "Frere Jacques")
Bears are sleeping, bears are sleeping,
In their dens, in their dens,
Soon it will be spring, soon it will be spring
Wake up bears! Wake up bears!
Bear Is Sleeping
(Sung to the tune of: "Frere Jacques")
Bear is sleeping. Bear is sleeping.
Let it snow! Let it snow!
Sleeping all the winter, sleeping all the winter.
Snug and warm, snug and warm.
Repeat the song three more
times, substituting in turn one of these words
for the word sleeping each
time it appears: resting, napping, snoring.
Lots Of Bears Are Hibernating
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary Had A Little
Lots of bears are hibernating,
Hibernating, hibernating,
Lots of bears are hibernating,
Sleeping in their dens.
Bears like honey
That comes from bees.
Bears like to nap
Under shady trees.
Bears can be cuddly,
Or big and mean.
My little Teddy Bear
Is the cutest I've seen.
He's by my side
When I'm happy or blue,
Here's to my Teddy Bear -
"I love you!"

I Know A Bear
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary Had A Little
I know a bear named Winnie the pooh,
Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh,
I know a bear named Winnie the Pooh
Honey makes him fat.
I know a bear named Paddington
Paddington, Paddington,
I know a bear named Paddington,
He wears a big black hat.
I know a bear named Corduroy,
Corduroy, Corduroy,
I know a bear named Corduroy,
Lisa is his friend.
I know a bear named Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear, Yogi Bear
I know a bear named Yogi Bear,
Boo Boo is his friend.
A Teddy Bear
What's more lovable and "snuggable" than a teddy bear? Invite your
to bring teddy bears to school; then teach them this teddy
bear rhyme.
Two tiny eyes
And a little, round tummy
Two furry paws
For scooping up honey.
A soft, "snuggable" snout;
Ears that listen and care;
When you put them all together,
You have a teddy bear.
Gummy Bears
(Sung to the tune: "Six Little
Ducks That I Once Knew")
Down at the candy store
What did I see?
Ten little gummy bears
Smiling at me.
Along came (child's name)
With a penny one day.
He/she bought the (color)
One and he/she took it away!
All Kinds of Bears
(Sung to
the tune
of: "Mary Had a Little Lamb")
Grizzly bears are big and brown.
Big and brown, big and brown.
Grizzly bears are big and brown.
And live in the woods.
Polar bears are soft and white.
Soft and white, soft and white.
Polar bears are soft and white.
And live were it is cold.
Panda bears are black and white,
Black and white, black and white
Panda bears are black and white.
And live in the jungle.
Teddy bears are just my size.
Just my size, just my size.
Teddy bears are just my size.
To cuddle up with at night.
The Bear Went Up the Mountain
Set up large wooden blocks so the children can
"safely" climb up the Mountain.
One child (as
the bear) starts at the foot
of the mountain and as you sing the following,
climbs up to the top.
The Bear Went Up the Mountain
The Bear Went Up the Mountain
The Bear Went Up the Mountain
To see what he/she could see.
When the bear reaches the top sing:
Now tell us what you see!
Now tell us what you see!
The bear then looks around and
either uses his/her imagination or
he/she sees in your room and tells everyone what he/she sees.
Then sing about it
as the
bear climbs down from the mountain.
The bear sees a "rabbit"
The bear sees a "rabbit"
The bear sees a "rabbit"
And that is what he/she sees.
Teddy Bear Song
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary Had A Little
Have children bring in teddy
bears. Sing about each teddy bear
using the last line to describe some
feature of each child's bear.
(Child's name)
has a teddy bear,
Teddy bear, teddy bear,
(Child's name) has a teddy
It's brown and furry all over.
(Change last line to fit description of child's teddy
10 Little Bear Cubs
(Sung to the tune of: "Ten Little Indians")
One little, two little, three
little bear cubs,
4 little, 5 little, 6 little bear cubs,
7 little, 8 little, 9 little bear cubs,
10 cubs in a row.
10 little, 9 little, 8 little bear cubs,
7 little, 6 little, 5 little bear cubs,
4 little, 3 little, 2 little bear cubs,
1 cub... now zero!
5 Big Grizzly Bears
5 big
grizzly bears
Under a tree
Looked all around to see
What they could see.
1 went off to the nearest store
Now there are only four.
(4 big grizzly bears, etc.)
1 ran after a buzzing bee
Now there are only three.
(3 big grizzly bears, etc.)
1 went to visit friends at the zoo.
Now there are only two.
(2 big grizzly bears, etc.)
1 went away to rest in the sun
Now there is only one.
(1 big grizzly bear, etc.)
1 had a job that must be done,
And now... there are none!
No big grizzly bears
Under a tree.
No bears looking to see
What they could see.
Scratch A Bears Back
When a bear
Tries to scratch
his back
It's a sight to see.
He backs right up
And rubs
And rubs
On a nice tall tree.
Did You Ever
See A Bear?
(Sung to the
tune of: "Did You Ever See A Lassie?)
Did you ever see a brown
A brown bear, a brown bear?
Did you ever see a brown bear,
Catching a fish?
Did you ever see a brown bear,
A brown bear, a brown bear?
Did you ever see a brown bear,
a tree?
Did you
ever see a brown bear,
A brown bear, a brown bear?
Did you ever see a brown bear,
Eating honeycomb?
Do You Know Little
Do you know little bear,
little bear, little bear?
DO you know little bear climbing on the stair?
He can do so many things, many things, many things.
He can do one special thing in the circus ring.
(have bear, animal, or child do special trick)
Little Bear
(Sung to
the tune: Frere Jacques)
Are you sleepy, Are you sleepy
Little bear, little bear?
Wintertime is comming,
Wintertime is comming,
Very soon, very soon.
Find a cave, Find a cave,
Little bear, little bear
Wintertime is here,
Wintertime is here,
Go to sleep, go to sleep.
Are you sleepy, Are you sleepy
Little bear, little bear?
You will wake in springtime
In the warm, warm springtime
Little bear, little bear
Time to wake up, Time to wake up
Little bear, little bear
Springtime is here, Springtime is here
Wake up now, wake up now!
(Sung to the tune of "Bingo")
There was a boy/girl who had a bear
and Teddy was his name-o,
T-E-D-D-Y, T-E-D-D-Y, T-E-D-D-Y, and Teddy was his
Goldilocks, Goldilocks Turn
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, turn around ,(turn
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, knock on the door. (knock
with hands)
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, eat some porridge (pretend
to eat)
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, have a seat. (squat)
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, go to sleep. (put cheek on
folded hands.)
Goldilocks, Goldilocks, run, run, run. (run off)
The Three Bears Rap
Shh, shh,
shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh,
Out in the forest in a wee little cottage lived
the three bears.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh,
One was the Mama Bear, one was the Papa
Bear, and one was the wee bear.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh,
Out of the forest came a walking, stalking,
pretty little Goldilocks
And upon the door she was a knockin'
Clack, clack, clack
But no one was there, unh - unh, no one was there.
So she walked right in and had herself a bowl.
She didn't care, unh - unh, she didn't care.
Home, home, home came the three bears.
"Someone's been eating my porridge!" said the Mama Bear.
"Someone's been eating my porridge!" said the Papa Bear.
"Waaah Waaah Barebear" said the little Wee Bear.
"Someone's broken my chair"
Just then Goldilocks woke up.
She broke up the party and she beat it out of there.
"Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye" said the Mama Bear.
"Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye" said the Papa Bear.
"Waaah Waaah Barebear" said the little Wee Bear.
That's the story of the three little bears - YEAH!
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear
bear, Teddy bear, touch your nose,
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch your toes;
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, touch the ground,
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn around.
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, climb the stairs,
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say your prayers;
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, turn off the light,
Teddy bear, Teddy bear, say goodnight!