Beach Songs, Poems, & Fingerplays
At the
the beach,
The sun shines down.
circle with arms overhead.)
I see smiles
(Point to smile)
On kids all around.
Smiling kids in the sand
(Sit on
Smiling kids in the sea,
to swim)
But the happiest kid
At the beach is me!
and point to self)
At the Seashore
Down at the seashore,
Isn't it grand?
Wiggling my toes (wiggle toes)
In the soft warm sand.
Building a tall sand castle (make building motions)
Where the King and Queen can stay,
But when the tide comes rushing in (one arm sweeps
They will have to move away! (Arm makes leveling motion)
Splashing in the water (hands make splashing motions)
Of the cool blue sea,
Playing wave tag - in and out, (run forward with small
You can't catch me! (run quickly backwards)
Holding up a seashell
Tightly to my ear. (Hold fist tightly to ear)
Shh! It's telling me a secret (other hand holds finger
to lips)
That only I can hear
Five Little Shells
Five little shells lying on the shore,
Crash went the waves and then there were 4.
4 little shells down by the sea,
Crash went the waves! then there were 3.
3 little shells, smooth as new,
Crash went the waves! then there were 2.
2 little shells, sparkling in the sun,
Crash went the waves! Then there was 1.
1 little shell, left by itself,
I took it home, and put it on my shelf.
5 Little Seagulls
5 little seagulls sitting on the beach.
One walked along the shore,
then there were four.
4 little seagulls sitting on the beach.
One hid behind a tree,
then there were three.
3 little seagulls sitting on the beach.
One got up and flew,
then there were two.
2 little seagulls sitting on the beach.
One went to have some fun,
then there was one.
1 little seagull sitting on the beach.
she went to chase the sun,
then there were none.

Sea Gulls
I like to watch the sea gulls,
(fists up to eyes)
Playing in the sky.
Dipping and soaring (wave arm in air)
Through the clouds,
I wish that I could fly
Take Me Out to the Ocean
to the tune of: "Take Me Out to the Ball
Take me out
to the ocean
Take me out to the sea
There goes a starfish and sand dollar,
I'm having such fun, I've just got to holler
Oh, it's swim, swim, swim, underwater
Catch a ride on a whale, don't fear,
For the sea animals are our friends,
Let's give a great big cheer!
Let's Go To The Beach
(Sung to the tune of: "A Hunting We Will Go")
go to the beach
To swim and play and run.
Building castles in the sand
Is ever so much fun.
We'll fix a picnic lunch
And eat it when we like.
And when we all are nice and full
We'll take a nature hike.
Be sure to wear your suit
And bring along your float.
We'll ride so far out in the surf
Pretending it's a boat.
A Day At The Beach
goes the wind,
(Sway arms back and forth)
Sniff Sniff goes my nose,
Crash goes the waves
Splish Splash go my toes,
(Kick feet)
I'll hunt for sea shells.
(Pretend to gather shells.)
You sift the sand.
(Pretend to sift sand)
Let's build a sand castle.
As high as we can!
(Place one fist on top of the other going higher and higher.)
For lunch we'll have crackers.
Some juice and a peach.
(Pretend to eat)
Oh my! What fun
Is this day at the beach!
(Clap hands)
Sand And Sun
(Sung to the tune of: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
beach, sand and sun
Playing by the sea.
Summertime is just for fun
A special time for me.
Digging in the sand
Happy as can be
Summertime is just for fun
A special time for me!
The Sand Castle
Sand castle on the beach,
I built you big and strong
(raise arms high)
A wave washed in upon the sand.
Whoops! You were gone!
(swing hands down, then up)
Down By
The Shore
(Sung to the tune of: "Down By The Bay")
by the shore
In the sand and the sun,
I like to dive
And splash and run.
And as the waves
Roll out and in,
I'll get warm in the sun
And have lots of fun.
Down by the shore!
Down At the Sea Shore
to the tune of: "Down by the Station")
Down at the
Early in the morning,
See the little seashells
Lying in the sun.
See the happy children
Coming out to count them.
One, two, three, four,
Off they run!
At the
Down at the
Isn't it grand?
Wiggling my toes (wiggle toes)
In the soft warm sand.
Building a tall sand castle (make building motions)
Where the King and Queen can stay,
But when the tide comes rushing in (one arm sweeps
They will have to move away! (Arm makes leveling
Splashing in
the water (hands make splashing motions)
Of the cool blue sea,
Playing wave tag - in and out, (run forward with small
You can't catch me! (run quickly backwards)
Holding up a seashell
Tightly to my ear. (Hold fist tightly to ear)
Shh! It's telling me a secret (other hand holds
finger to lips)
That only I can hear
Make a Sand Cake
to the tune of: "Frere Jacques")
Make a sand cake,
Make a sand cake
In the sand,
In the sand.
Pouring, measuring, digging,
Pouring, measuring, digging,
Just feels grand,
Just feels grand!
In the Sand
the following poem to your children.
Have them act
out the movements as they are described.
dig holes in the sand with my fingers. (Wiggle fingers)
I dig holes in the sand with my toes. (Wiggle
Then I pour some water in the holes (Pretend
to pour water.)
I wonder where it goes. (Move hands out to sides, palms up.)
I Like Sand
to the tune of: "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")
Sand can be wet,
And sand can be dry.
I like both
And I'll tell you why.
I can make castles
With wet sand.
And pouring it dry
Feels just grand.
I Love
(Sung to
the tune of: "Three Blind Mice")
Sand, sand,
Sand, sand, sand.
I love sand.
I love sand.
It's fun to squish it
Between my toes
Or build a mountain
As high as my nose
Or dig a tunnel
that grows and grows
'Cause I love sand!
Sand Is Gritty
(Sung to the tune of: "Frere
is gritty,
Sand is gritty.
I like sand,
I like sand.
Sand is many tiny rocks
Broken down from bigger rocks.
I like sand,
I like sand.
In Your Hands
to the tune of: "Skip To My Lou")
mold, mold the sand,
Mold, mold, mold the sand,
Mold, mold, mold the sand,
Mold it in your hands.
Pat, pat, pat the sand,
Pat, pat, pat the sand,
Pat, pat, pat the sand,
Pat it in your hands.
Sift, sift, sift the sand,
Sift, sift, sift the sand,
Sift, sift, sift the sand,
Sift it in your hands.
with additional verses as desired.
you ever shaken a sifter?
A shakity, shake, shake, shake?
Have you ever shaken a sifter?
When you're making a big sand cake.
Oh, I like to shake my sifter.
A shakity, shake, shake, shake?
Yes, I like to shake my sifter
When I'm making a big sand cake.
We are Going to the Beach
(Sung to the tune of: "Mary Had a Little
We are going to the beach, to the beach to
the beach to the beach.
We are going to the beach, we're gonna have some fun.
I shall like to swim all day, swim all day, swim all day.
I shall like to swim all day, then lay out in the sun.
I will build a castle here, castle here, castle here.
I will build a castle here, I'll have the tallest one.
I Went To The Beach
I went to the beach
And what did I see?
A bird on the sand
(Using fingers- make thumb and index finger touch)
Looking at me!
(Look at each other making a birds beak)
I went to the beach
And what did I see?
A fish in the water
(Using hand and make it like a fish swimming)
Splashing at me!
(Make hand movements like splashing water)
I went to the beach
And what did I see?
A shell in the sand
Sparkling at me!
(Make one fist with one hand and have the other finger
tap top of fist)
I went to the beach
And what did I see?
A crab in its shell
(Make a crab using all 10 fingers & place hand over other hand
and wiggle fingers)
Waving at me!
Beach Play
Sea shells, white sand, ocean blue,
Sunshine, cool breeze, seagulls, too.
Hear the children laugh and shout
As they play and run about.

A Seashell
One day a little shell
washed up (hold shell)
Out of the waves at sea.
I held the shell up to my ear (hold shell to ear)
And I heard it sing to me.
Sh . . . sh . . . sh. . . sh. . .(children repeat)
A little shell washed up one day,
and lay upon the sand. (hold shell in hand)
It sang a song about the sea,
As I held it in my hand.
Sh . . . sh. . . sh. . .sh. . . (children repeat)
Pretty Sea Shell
(Sung to the tune of: "Frere
Pretty sea shell, pretty sea shell
On the sand, on the sand
Pick it up and hold it
Pick it up and hold it
In your hand, in your hand
Five Cranky Crabs
cranky crabs were digging on the shore.
One swam into a net and then there were four.
Four cranky crabs were floating in the sea.
One got tangled up in seaweed then there were three.
Three Cranky crabs were wondering what to do.
One dug a deep, deep hole. Then there were two.
Two cranky crabs were warming in the sun.
One got scooped up in a cup. Then there was one.
One cranky crab was smarter than his friends.
He hid between the jagged rocks. That's how the story ends.
Little Hermit Crabs
Five little
hermit crabs walking on the shore,
The tide came in and then there were four.
Four little hermit crabs living by the sea,
The tide came in and then there were three.
Three little hermit crabs wondering what to do,
The tide came in and then there were two.
Two little hermit crabs soaking up the sun,
The tide came in and then there was one.
One little hermit crab sitting all alone.
The tide came in and carried him home.

Saw A
to the tune of: "Clementine")
I went
I went walking.
Saw a crab.
Saw a crab.
Right on the beach
Saw a crab,
Saw a crab,
Walking this way
With its feet.
(Walk sideways on hands and feet.)
Fun In the Sand
Make a
sand cake
In the sand.
Digging and sifting
Just feels grand!
Feels so good on our hands.
Digging and sifting,
And shake it about,
Spoon in our pails
And then pour out.
Life Guard Looks Out On The Ocean
to the tune of: "My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean")
The life
guard looks out on the ocean,
The life guard looks out on the sea.
He/She carefully watches the swimmers,
And helps them if they are in need.
Splish, Splash the waves crash
The lifeguard is watching to keep us safe,
Splish, Splash the waves crash
The lifeguard is watching us swim.
My Beach Bag
advance hide several beach toys and a beach bag around the classroom.
Then sing the first two verses of the song. Ask the children to help
to find
the missing beach items. Once the items are gathered and
placed in the bag, joyously sing the last verse.)
to the tune of: "A Tisket, a Tasket")
My beach
bag, my beach bag,
My filled-with-toys beach bag –
Was on my way to the shore today,
And on the way I lost it.
I lost it. I lost it.
Yes, on the way I lost it.
With all my castle-building toys,
Oh, I’m so sad I lost it.
We found it. We found it.
Yes, finally we found it!
With all my castle-building toys,
Oh, I’m so glad we found it.
Scooping Up Sand
to the tune of: "Ten Little Indians")
Scoop up
sand and put it in your bucket.
Scoop up sand and put it in your bucket.
Scoop up sand and put it in your bucket.
How much do you have?
Five Little Sea Shells
Five little
sea shells lying on the shore
Swish! Went the waves, and then there were four.
Four little sea shells cozy as could be
Swish! Went the waves, and then there were three.
Three little sea shells all pearly new
Swish! Went the waves, and then there were two.
Two little sea shells sleeping in the sun
Swish! Went the waves and then there was one.
One little sea shell left all alone
Whispered, "SHHHHHHHHH" as I took it home.
Ten Little Sea Shells
to the tune of: "Ten Little Indians")
little, two little, three little sea shells,
Four little, five little, six little sea shells,
Seven little, eight little, nine little sea shells.
Ten little sea shells by the shore.
Ten little, nine little, eight little sea shells
Seven little, six little, five little sea shells
Four little, three little, two little sea shells
One little sea shell by the shore.
Sea Shells
the little sea shells
Count them one by one.
Line them up upon the sand
It really is quite fun!

This Is The Way We Play At The Beach
to the tune of: "Mulberry Bush")
This is the
way we play at the beach,
Play at the beach, play at the beach.
This is the way we play at the beach,
So early in the morning.
This is the way we dig in the sand,
This is the way we play in the surf,
This is the way we lie in the sun,
(Act out each verse and add others the kids come up with.)
Shells, Shells, Shells
Giant shells,
tiny shells
(form circles with fingers for shells)
Shells wherever I look.
There are so very many shells,
I could write a book.
Rainbow shells, purple shells,
Shells that curve around.
I can see the beauty here
Just lying on the ground.
Shell Legend
There's a
pretty little legend
That I would like to tell
Of the birth and death of Jesus
Found in this lowly shell.
If you examine closely,
You'll see that you find here
Four nail holes and a fifth one
Made by a Roman spear.
On one side the Easter lily,
Its center is the star
That appeared unto the shepherds
And led them from afar.
The Christmas poinsettia
Etched on the other side
Reminds us of his Birthday,
Our Happy Christmastide.
Now break the center open
And here you will release
The five white doves awaiting
To spread Good Will and Peace.
This simple little symbol,
Christ left for you and me
To help us spread His Gospel
Through all eternity.
Ocean Shell
I found a
great big shell one day.
(Cup hands as if holding large shell)
Upon the ocean floor.
(Pick it up from the floor)
I held it close up to my ear.
(Hand cupped to ear)
I heard the ocean roar!
I found a tiny shell one day.
(Pretend to roll shell between fingers)
Upon the ocean sand.
The waves had worn it nice and smooth.
It felt nice in my hand.
(Place little shell in palm of other hand)
Beach Song
(Sung to the tune of: "Wheels On The Bus")
The sun at
the beach is shining bright,
Shining bright, shining bright.
The sun at the beach is shining bright,
All through the day.
The waves of the sea come rolling in,
Rolling in, rolling in.
The waves of the sea come rolling in,
All through the day.
The seagulls up above come diving down,
Diving down, diving down.
The seagulls up above come diving down,
All through the day.
The crabs near the rocks go pinch, pinch, pinch.
Pinch, pinch, pinch; pinch, pinch, pinch.
The crabs near the rocks go pinch, pinch, pinch.
All through the day.
The sand underfoot goes crunch, crunch, crunch.
Crunch, crunch, crunch; crunch, crunch, crunch.
The sand underfoot goes crunch, crunch, crunch.
All through the day.
The kids at the seashore splash and play,
Splash and play, splash and play.
The kids at the seashore splash and play,
All through the day
Our Sand Castle
and I went down to the beach
To build a sand castle this high
(Place hand at waist level.)
It started out small without many rooms
But soon it was touching the sky.
(Raise hand as high as possible.)
We stayed at the beach in the warm sunshine,
Watching the seagulls all day
(Cup hand above eyes and look around.)
Then the waves splashed so high up onto the shore.
That our castle was all washed away.
(Swoosh away pretend castle.)
Scoop And Count
(Sung to the tune of: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat")
scoop, scoop the sand.
Scoop it one, two, three.
Scooping, scooping
Scooping, scooping -
Scoop and count with me.
with your child as he/she scoops sand into a pail.
Digging In The Sand
I dig
holes in the sand with my fingers,
(Wiggle fingers)
I dig holes in the sand with my toes.
(Wiggle toes)
Then I pour some water in the holes
(Pretend to pour water)
I wonder where it goes.
(Hold hands out to sides, palms up)
Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!