Plant A Tree
to the tune of: "Hokey - Pokey")
put the shovel in,
You take the shovel out
You put in the shovel
And you dig it all about.
You make the hole a big one
And you dig it all just right.
That's how you plant a tree.
pick the tree up,
You put the roots down
You pick the tree up
And you put it in the ground.
You pick the tree up gently
And you put the roots right down
That's how you plant a tree.
pack the soil back in
You pack some plant food, too.
You pack the soil back in
And now you're almost through.
You pack the soil around it
And you put some plant food, too.
That's how you plant a tree.
get a water hose
You get some buckets, too.
You get a water hose
And lots of water, too.
You give the tree some water
And that's all you've got to do.
That's how you plant a tree.
Trees Are Good
Trees are
good for climbing up.
(Pretend to climb.)
Trees are good for running around.
(Run in circle on the spot.)
Trees are good for shaking hard.
(Shake imaginary tree.)
To knock the pine cones to the ground.
(Pretend to pick up pine cones.)
Trees are
good for birds to peck.
(Pretend to peck tree.)
Trees are good for squirrels to hide.
(Crouch and cover face.)
Trees are good for owls to sleep in.
(Pretend to sleep.)
When the sun is bright outside.
(Hold arms in circle above head.)
Trees are
good for picking apples.
(Pretend to pick apples.)
Trees are good for hanging swings.
(Make swinging motion with arms.)
Trees are good for birds to sit on
(Flap arms.)
When they need to rest their wings.
(Fold arms and sit.)
Heather Tekavec
to the tune of: "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow")
are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
For all the things they do!
They grow the fruit we eat,
Like pears and plums so sweet!
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
For all the things they do!
They give us lots of shade
On summer days we play!
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
For all the things they do!
They make a cozy home
For birds and bugs to roam.
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
For all the things they do!
They give us lots of wood
For making paper goods.
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
For all the things they do!
They help to clean the air
We breathe in everywhere!
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
For all the things they do!
They're beautiful to see,
There's nothing like a tree.
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
Trees are very good plants,
For all the things they do!
The Trees Are
to the tune of: "Farmer in the Dell")
The trees
are growing tall
(raise arms above head, fingers touching)
The trees are growing tall.
With soil and rain and sunny days,
The trees are growing tall.
The trees are growing roots.
(bend over and touch floor)
The trees are growing roots.
With soil and rain and sunny days,
The trees are growing roots.
The trees are growing bark
(run hands up and down sides)
The trees are growing bark
With soil and rain and sunny days,
The trees are growing bark.
The trees are growing branches
(stretch arms out)
The trees are growing branches
With soil and rain and sunny days
The trees are growing branches.
The trees are growing leaves
(wiggle fingers)
The trees are growing leaves
With soil and rain and sunny days
The trees are growing leaves.
Arbor Day
Long, long
ago there was a man
Named Johnny Appleseed
He was a very kindly sort,
As everyone agreed.
He traveled
all around our land,
Where trees were never found;
And in those empty spaces,
He sowed fruit seeds in the ground.
Years later
apple blossoms grew,
And ripe fruit in the fall.
The deed he did so long ago
Was perhaps the best of all.
Each year on
Arbor Day in spring,
We think of all our trees
And how very bare the world would be
Without such gifts as these.
So the next
time you admire trees
And their products that we need,
Remember a stalwart pioneer
Named Johnny Appleseed.
stormy days
when the wind is high
Tall trees are brooms
sweeping the sky
They swish their branches
In buckets of rain
And swash and sweep it
blue again.
Ten Little
One little,
two little, three little leaves
Four little, five little, six little leaves
Seven little, eight little, leaves nine little leaves
Ten little leaves falling down.
Tall as a Tree
Tall as a tree
(reach up high)
Wide as a house (reach arms out)
Thin as a pin (arms to the side)
Small as a mouse (crouch down to the ground)