Feely Box
Make a feely
box with parts of a tree inside, bark, seeds, flowers, stems, etc.
Newspaper Tree
Take several
sections of the news paper, sort into two or three sheet
sections. Begin rolling one section in a tube. When it is half rolled
place the second section on and continue rolling half way, add another.
You can do this as many as you like. The more you roll the taller
you will be able to make the tree when you are finished.
After you have rolled all the paper you desire tape the center to keep it
from unrolling for the next step. From one end cut or tear through all
down to the middle of the paper. You will have a tube that looks like a
palm tree,
Now you are ready to make it grow. Pull the top couple of layers
firmly out and up. The tube will start to spiral and look like a tree.
You can have the children paint it or just make them to have fun.
Toothpick Tree
the children make a tree by gluing toothpicks on a piece of paper.
Use a sponge and green tempera paint to add leaves to the top of the tree.
Leaf Creatures
Glue real or
cut out leaves onto construction paper and let
the children add hands, feet, and faces to create creatures.
Sensory Bottle
Take small leaves, buds, etc. and put in plastic bottles with baby
oil and food coloring or glitter, and seal top of bottle with hot glue.
Leaf Matching
Collect five
good-sized leaves. Trace each of their outlines on a separate
piece of paper. Challenge the children to match each leaf to its outline.
(This activity must be used the same day as it is prepared; as the leaves
dry, they will curl up and no longer fit their original outlines.)