Apples Large Motor Ideas
Apples On Top
We read Ten
Apples Up on Top. We use red beanbags to balance "apples" on our heads.
We count how many we can balance. We then make our own class book. Each
child is given
a page with a head drawn on it. They add face and hair. They use an apple
stamp to add how many
"apples" they balanced on their heads. We then bind the book together and
add it to our class library.
Following Directions
Cut out red and green apples from construction paper.
Hand one apple to each
child and say " all red apples clap your hands" " all green apples hop",
Seat your
children around a parachute. Have them hold the edges with their fingers on top,
with thumbs hiding underneath. Practice moving the parachute up and down
(stressing that
we do so gently). Use position words to direct (i.e. Move the parachute
OVER your head).
Tell children that you are going to be making something with apples…maybe
Ask children to come up with a “recipe”. Place foam apples (red, green and
yellow foam balls)
onto the parachute and pretend to add other ingredients as they are called out.
Challenge the children to keep all the apples on the parachute.
As above,
add all the foam apples (red, green and yellow foam balls) to the parachute
and instruct the children to bounce them around gently. Choose one of the
and tell children that we must get rid of these “rotten apples”.
Tree Fell
Play Tree
Fell Down by Hap Palmer (Easy Does It) and have children
pretend they are moving under and around an apple tree.

Apple Toss
Have children partner up and toss an apple back
and forth
to each other... trying not to let the apple touch the ground.
Be Like
Johnny Appleseed
September 26
is the birthday of John Chapman, the legendary figure better known as Johnny
Share the story of Johnny Appleseed with your students. You may want to
paraphrase a book version
of the story, such as Johnny Applesee retold and illustrated by Steven
Kellogg (Scholastic Inc.)
or The Story of Johnny Appleseed by Aliki (Simon & Schuster).
commemorate Johnny's birthday with a Johnny Appleseed Walk. A few days before
your walk,
send a note home to each family requesting that they send in pots for
their children to wear on their
heads. On the day of your walk, explain to your students that they're
going to imitate Johnny
Appleseed's seed-planting travels. But they can't spread apple seeds all
over the school grounds
because there wouldn't be room for all those apple trees. There is room
for lots of grass though!
Give each child a small plastic bag full of grass seed. Have the children
wear their pots on
their heads and take a walk around the school grounds, tossing out grass
seed as they go!

Pre-K Fun Theme Pages are
for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own ideas.
They are shared from friends and fellow group
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!