Alligator Dramatic Play Ideas

Materials Needed:
Alligator teeth and eyes cut from poster board
Egg Carton (not styrofoam)
12 " red crepe paper
Two 3" pipe cleaners
White Construction paper
Green paint and brush
Black Marker
Cut egg carton apart. Poke two finger holes at one end of
the egg carton lid.
An adult should complete this step. Paint both halves of the egg
carton. Allow
paint to dry completely. Cut alligators teeth and eyes from poster board.
Draw eye details with black marker. Glue or staple the red crepe paper to
end of the egg carton near the finger holes. It should move freely
and extend past
the other end. This is the alligators tongue. Make a two inch
slit in the top of
the lid near the two finger holes. Slip the eyes into the slit,
facing away from the
finger holes. Secure with tape or glue. Glue or tape the teeth
to the inside of the
top of the carton so they extend below the lid. Use two pipe
cleaners to attach
the carton top to the bottom. Poke a pipe cleaner through the end of
the lid.
Poke the other end through the egg carton bottom. Open the carton
and twist
the two ends together firmly. Do the same on the other side.
Insert your first
two fingers into the top two holes and place your thumb on the bottom. Now your
alligator is ready to chat... or to CHOMP! Keep puppets in dramatic
play area.
5 Little
Monkeys & Alligator
the children act out the 5 lil monkeys and alligator song.
If you would like to submit your Alligator
activity ideas,
please click on the email link below and share your ideas.
We would love to hear from you!!
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