Materials Needed:
white paper
washable green paint
Paint the child's palm with the green paint. Have them make a print for
the head by putting their fingers together and extending their thumb.
have them make prints for the body with fingers and thumb together (about
three prints).
Have them use their thumb to make the feet. When dry, have them add
(eyes, mouth, scales, toes) with markers. Have Fun!
Materials Needed:
Alligator teeth and eyes cut from poster board
Egg Carton (not styrofoam)
12 " red crepe paper
Two 3" pipe cleaners
White Construction paper
Green paint and brush
Black Marker
Cut egg carton apart. Poke two finger holes at one end of
the egg carton lid.
An adult should complete this step. Paint both halves of the egg
carton. Allow
paint to dry completely. Cut alligators teeth and eyes from poster board.
Draw eye details with black marker. Glue or staple the red crepe paper to
end of the egg carton near the finger holes. It should move freely
and extend past
the other end. This is the alligators tongue. Make a two inch
slit in the top of
the lid near the two finger holes. Slip the eyes into the slit,
facing away from the
finger holes. Secure with tape or glue. Glue or tape the teeth
to the inside of the
top of the carton so they extend below the lid. Use two pipe
cleaners to attach
the carton top to the bottom. Poke a pipe cleaner through the end of
the lid.
Poke the other end through the egg carton bottom. Open the carton
and twist
the two ends together firmly. Do the same on the other side.
Insert your first
two fingers into the top two holes and place your thumb on the bottom.
Now your alligator is ready to chat... or to CHOMP!

out an alligator from green paper and glue or color an eye on it.
Use a short piece of red ribbon, pipe cleaner, etc. for a tongue
letting it extend off the paper - this may work more for the lizard.
Then glue on top an alligator cutout made from bubble wrap -
to give the scale effect. I thought it was really cute.
One note - each child was given one wiggly eye for the project.
My dd 2 at the time was QUITE concerned that there weren't two
(everybody knows alligators have two eyes!). We drew a second
one to keep the peace, but had a great conversation/demonstration
on perspective when we got home!
Puffy Paint
children squirt puffy paint onto paper and use
sponges to create patterns and texture.
Paint Recipe
amounts of flour, salt, and water. Add liquid
tempera paint for color. Pour into squeeze bottles.
Drop a
spoonful of green fingerpaint on a sheet of paper and then
sprinkle some sand onto the paint. Invite the child to mix the
sand into the paint and create a textured finger painting. When
the paint is dry, cut out an alligator shape from the paper. Have
the child glue on wiggly eyes and white construction paper teeth.
Alligator Paper
Shaving Cream and green tempura paint and plastic alligators!
Fun Theme Pages are for educational reference only!
No copyright infringement is intended.
I do not claim any of these as my own
They are shared from friends and fellow
Thanks for sharing all your great ideas!